Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday and the Random 10 (Back from the Cruise Edition)

So, yeah, I missed a week. With the trains being shut down for refurbishment in the Magic Kingdom, most of us train peeps are using up all of our saved up vacation time. This year a group of us decided to do something together so we went on a cruise to the Bahamas. My first cruise ever (and yes I got me a magnet).

So now that I am back on (semi) dry land, we can get back to our normally scheduled program:

The last countdown finally added someone to Exile Island so be wary of the Tarkus if the Red Hot Chili Peppers try to force their way in. And as usual, the rules and whatnot are up there ↑ at the top near the home tab.


Darling it's better down where it's wetter...

1) Rush/Open Secrets (Hold Your Fire) - Great way to start. I still have this on album. Yeah, I'm old.

2) Glass Hammer/Chronotheme (Chronometree) - Now here is a band I need to listen to more. Lots of keyboards and this is where YES got their current lead singer.

3) Tommy Shaw/Come In and Explain (Girls With Guns) - Tommy's first solo album after running away from DDY and the whole Roboto thing.

4) Jimi Hendrix/Burning of the Midnight Lamp (The Greatest Hits CD1) - You know, this is another one of those things (like Pink Floyd) that I just never got. Maybe it was a live thing? Or weed?

5) Across the Universe/Strawberry Fields Forever (Soundtrack) - Very cool movie and decent version of this Beatles classic.

6) The Beatles/Something (Abbey Road) - Wow, that's a sneaky way to avoid Exile Island. Great song though, and Ringo is awesome on it.

The RHCP have been Tarkus'd

7) The Strawbs/Hero and Heroine (Hero and Heroine) - Another early 70's English prog band that once featured Rick Wakeman before his YES days. They sound close to Jethro Tull I guess. Oh, and welcome.

8) King Crimson/Frame By Frame (Discipline) - More cool sounds from Fripp and the gang.

9) John Mellencamp/Just Another Day (Words and Music) - You know for a greatest hits album you would think I would have heard of this song. Nope. He should have never dropped the "Cougar".

10) Meshuggah/Acrid Placidity (Destroy Erase Improve) - I had no idea this was even in my inventory. Apparently they are a Swedish prog metal band, even though this tune is a mellow instrumental. The album was ranked #42 on Rolling Stone‍ '​s 50 Greatest Prog Rock Albums of All Time list so that's where I must have found it. And once again, welcome.


The STCS for this week goes to The Nice/Hang on to a Dream (Nice). Some Greg Emerson before ELP stuff right there. Classic. Probably too jazzy for Spinal Tap though. The Chili Peppers got Tarkus'd for trying to show up after being sent to Exile Island and earned themselves an extra week. That's the rules. Meshuggah and The Strawbs joined the party by showing up for the first time. Lots of action this week.


As always stay cool/dry and comfy wherever you are. Roll Tide! Just keep winning!

They started the countdown, so I'll let them finish it.

Closed for my protection
Open to your scorn
Between these two directions
My heart is sometimes torn


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