Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 5 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (16 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

So the main thing in camp this week was everyone trying to sort out alliances and allegiances. Keith was surprised that he was in a larger alliance of five (as opposed to his normal two), with Terry being the one left out.

Jeremy and Spencer took off to do some fishing and bonding. Spencer seems to be really trying.

Kimmi, Kelly W, and Monica are the early risers who catch fish and crabs for the rest of the tribe to do their part. However, there was a slight disagreement between Kimmi and Monica over the finding of several large clams. Kimmi wants to take them all in and make sure everyone eats now, while Monica seemed more concerned about the "environment" and taking so much from the ocean. Kelly agreed with Kimmi on this one.

Tasha and Andrew were discussing how they can't believe they ended up on top of this tribe somehow. Abi is still being Abi saying that if Woo votes for her one more time he is dead to her. After Woo tried to tell a heartfelt story about his mom receiving a heart transplant, Abi was like "whatever" and not buying his sob story. Yeah, because the tendon she had replaced in her knee = a life saving heart transplant. She was telling all this to Tasha who just looks at her likes she's a crazy bitch. She thinks Abi is just a timebomb waiting to go off. 



Reward Challenge

The reward this time was for more comfort items like hammocks and chairs, plus refreshments waiting for the winning tribe back at camp. Second place gets a few items like tarps and whatnot. Three tribe mates would be tied together pushing a fourth inside a barrel. At each of the three stops, the person inside the barrel would have to get out and climb up to untie a bag of balls. Once at the end they would be rolled up a platform "skeeball" style into holes at the top.

Woo/Angkor and Kelley/Ta Keo breezed through the first part, but Monica/Bayon struggled to retrieve the ball bags and were the last to make it to the end. Keith knocked out the skeeball part pretty quickly to win first place for Ta Keo.

Jeremy worked feverishly to make up time for Bayon, and when he ran out of steam Spencer (the man!) took over. However, my boy Woo© finished just ahead of them for Angkor and second place. Bayon got nothing.


Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week was just for immunity, with the third place tribe going to tribal council. Each tribe would have one person at a time climb obstacles up to a platform where they would then slingshot a sandbag to hit platforms to raise five flags. You could rotate people out so some got more than one shot at it.

Andrew and Tasha each hit their target for Angkor, with Woo getting the other two to win. Wait, do the math, that's only four Von! Yeah, that's because Stephen for Bayon screwed the pooch and actually hit the wrong target which Probst said counted. Immunity Angkor.

Terry hit one target for Ta Keo, while Joe and Keith both hit two apiece to finish ahead of Bayon. Immunity Ta Keo.

Spencer was once again the man at immunity challenges, but it wasn't enough as the rest of his group didn't really help out much. Bayon goes to tribal council.


Tribal Council

The main thing right off the bat here was that everyone brought up the fact that Bayon has four original members plus Spencer and Kelly W. A quick discussion around the group (including Spencer), revealed that Wiggles was everyone's first choice to go. However...

Monica started being difficult again. Instead of thinking about the whole tribe, she talked to Kimmi about the "all girl" future potential alliance which showed she wasn't as loyal as everyone had counted on. Everyone then seemed to wonder if she would be someone that would "flip" later on.

So basically it came down to "old Bayon" voting out Spencer/Wiggles, OR breaking tribal boundaries to blindside someone who they thought was erratic and a risk.

Spencer and Wiggles voted for each other. Monica voted for Wiggles too. She had a small grin when neither Spence nor Kelly played an immunity idol. However, Jeremy, Stephen and Kimmi went against tribal lines and all voted for Monica, who was sent home. And that's why they call it a blindside.

So that leaves us with (restructured for new tribes with total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Ta Keo: Joe, Kass, Keith, Ciera, Terry and Kelley*

Bayon: Spencer (5), Jeremy*, Stephen, Kimmi, and Wiggles (2)

Angkor: Woo (1), Abi-Maria (6), Tasha, Andrew

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica


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