Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 6 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (15 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Now this week a lot happened before the challenges even got started. Probst comes rolling up at night to Ta Keo and had to wake up Terry with news that his son was taken to the hospital. He understandably left the game. The end of the episode revealed that his son had received a heart transplant and was now getting his own "second chance". Good news all around on that.

As all the tribes gathered on the beach the next morning Jeff explained to everyone what had happened. And then Angkor is no more...


The new tribe here is now Woo, Andrew, Spencer, Kass, Wiggles, Abi, and Ciera. Kass was less than thrilled to be with Spencer again.

Andrew got all high and mighty taking charge and basically immediately putting things together against Spencer. The plan was for everyone to say Ciera was the one on her way out, but she was like umm hello? What gives you the right to throw me under the bus? She wasn't digging that vibe at all.

The new tribe here is now Kelley W, Joe, Jeremy, Keith, Tasha, Stephen and Kimmi.

Joe was talking to Kelley W and she was worried about being on the bottom but Joe said he had her back. Stephen saw what was going on there so he was telling everyone they should try and blindside Joe now. Jeremy said nope and looked at him like he was an idiot.

Then Stephen basically lost his shit. He started crying to the camera talking about his second chance and the opportunity to do it all right this time (yeah dude, I can see why you lost before). He definitely wants to play the game right and make some moves, but he might be "over" playing the game right now. Even Tasha told him this was all too much too soon.


Reward Challenge

The reward this time was for fried chicken, mac & cheese, and brownies back at camp. The object was to oil yourself up and run down a slip and slide to grab a ring. Then flip the ring on a hook three times to win. Tasha (and most females in America) said out loud #OilUpJoe.

Jeremy and Joe were able to win their challenges for Bayon, but Kass, Abi and Wiggles won for Ta Keo to get the reward.


Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week involved eating some of the gross local cuisine. I am not even going to get into what they had to eat. Choke it all down and show Jeff your empty mouth for the points. First tribe to four wins. It started off with pairs and then went to singles.

Woo/Spencer beat Kimmi/Tasha (Ta Keo 1, Bayon 0)
Keith/Jeremy beat Andrew/Ciera (Ta Keo 1, Bayon 1)
Stephen/Kelley W beat Kass/Abi (Bayon 2, Ta Keo 1)
Wiggles beat Joe (Bayon 2, Ta Keo 2)
Woo beat Kimmi who wanted no part of the brains in front of her and just let Woo win (Ta Keo 3, Bayon 2)
Kelly W beat Ciera (Ta Keo 3, Bayon 3)

And lastly...

Tasha beat Kass to win for Bayon and send Ta Keo to tribal.


Tribal Council

Now this gist here was same as earlier for Ta Keo. Go with Andrew's plan and vote out Spencer or attempt a blindside. Now the girls got together and talked about voting for Woo instead. If the others went through with that then that left Kass with the deciding vote on whether or not to keep her hated rival Spencer in the game.

None blinked when Spencer got votes, but as soon as Woo got a second vote there were some shocked faces. Three votes apiece for both of them, and then the deciding vote going to Woo. Kass kept Spencer in the game after all, and the look on Andrew's face shows that he may have seriously miscalculated his position in his tribe.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Ta Keo: Spencer (8), Abi-Maria (6), Wiggles (2), Andrew, Kass, and Ciera  

Bayon: Jeremy*, Kelley W*, Tasha, Joe, Keith, Stephen, and Kimmi

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica, Terry**, Woo

** Left voluntarily


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