Also, Kansas and Camel broke the rules last week (located up top ↑ by the home tab) so they got sent to Exile Island. Does the Tarkus lurk below? Let's find out!
Cranking up the tunes!
1) Journey/Wheel in the Sky (Infinity) - And we start off with a classic. And it even has wheels in the song!
2) Chicago/I'd Rather Be Rich (Chicago XIV) - I am going to cut them some slack on this one because it's actually one of their jazzy songs. They hadn't gone 80's just yet.
3) The Moody Blues/For My Lady (Seventh Sojourn) - If I listened to this while driving I would fall asleep and end up in a ditch. Yawn...
4) Journey/Send Her My Love (Frontiers) - Oh no! Gasp! Right smack dab in the middle of the Love Song Spiral of Doom™©® I kinda liked this song though. Oh, and banned.
5) The Beatles/Why Don't We Do It in the Road (The White Album) - Because Von will run your ass over, that's why. Remember back when I said sometimes I thought The Beatles just made up crap and mailed it in? Example #243. I'm calling them out on this one.
6) Intervals/Tapestry (In Time) - Wow I was sure this was their first time in the countdown but I guess I'm wrong. Another one of those new, mostly instrumental bands that I'm trying out. Good stuff.
7) Shaw-Blades/Time of the Season (Influence) - Tommy and Jack cover some of the songs that influenced them on this great album.
8) The Marshall Tucker Band/Fire on the Mountain (Anthology) - It's music like this that just makes me want to go home to Bama.
9) AC/DC/Ride On (Who Made Who) - Now you know I have already been jamming to some AC/DC in my new car. It should be in every car OG.
10) Xandria/Lullaby (Now and Forever) - Another band that caught my ear. I'm giving them a tryout as well. Not bad.

As always stay cool/dry and comfy wherever you are. Go Braves and Roll Tide!
Play us out boys!
(any chance to show Neal Schon's huge ass afro i'm gonna do it!)
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