Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday and the Random 10

All I can say for all you peeps outside of Florida, damn it's been hot down here! So why not take the day off, stay inside, and check out this week's random 10? Sounds good to me. Looking back at last week we are free and clear from anyone being banned, so anything goes this time around. As usual, the rules are over there → to the right. 

Let's cool down and listen to the smooth sounds of:

1) Rick Wakeman/The Gospel According to St. John - No really, he did an album about the Gospels too. You cannot make this up.

2) Emerson, Lake and Palmer/The Only Way (Hymn) - Another one with religious undertones. This is from the album Tarkus, about an armadillo tank thingy. Take that RW! Once again, not making this stuff up:

3) America/The Last Unicorn - You know what this list needs? A unicorn reference. Done.

4) Yes/Going For the One - One of the most straight forward rock songs from them. I previously covered this album here. They mixed in some awesome lyrics in there too:

Listen in time, Taken so high
To touch to move, Listen to life
Touching touchtime, Travel twilight
Taken so high, Taking your time
Turn on to love, Turnstile to one
Tender timing, Rocking rolling

Moments decide.
Moments delight.
Moments in flight.
Talk about sending love

5) The Beatles/A Taste of Honey - This is just a weird song by them.

6) Rick Wakeman/Virgo - Hey Rick, can you do a quick album about the Zodiac? You can? Good! Huh? You're done already? Whut?

7) Toto/Out of Love - Nice and mellow. This is more of what I had in mind for today.

8) Chicago/Vote For Me - Good, old school jazzy stuff before the 80's love song crap.

9) Yes (Steve Howe)/Australia - They did an acoustic only bonus disc for one of their compilation box sets. This is technically from one of Howe's solo albums but it was included as being from Yes.

10) The Mahavishnu Orchestra/Eternity's Breath (pt.1) - This is more of that jazz/progressive rock fusion from the early 70's that interests me. Bands were just way more experimental back then. No one even tries to do stuff like this anymore.

Well that was kind of...weird. RW gets himself banned (again, and almost for the month: he does play keyboards on Going For The One). I am going to give Yes a pass on this one though. The STCS for this week is Chicago/Takin' It Uptown. Does this get them banned? I'm going to say yes because both songs are from Chicago XI. Sounds right. Until next week, stay cool central Florida.

Play us out Jon Jon and Steve and RW!

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