Sunday, October 16, 2016

Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy)

In the early 80's I got really into music. I would sit up late at night in a dark room scanning the am/fm bands on my stereo wearing my over the ears headphones (love those kind). I would pick up music from radio stations from all over, and even an occasional minor league baseball game from somewhere in the southern U.S. I was a lot like Jodie Foster in Contact.

I would listen until I would lose the signal and then move on down the dial looking for the next far away station. One night, I came across this "hectic" sounding song which slowed down to the point where the next lines were forever recorded in my brain:

Mary, can you hear me?
Can you tell me what it's all supposed to mean?
Looking at a photograph of all that I have seen.
I wish I could hold you. I wish I could hold you.

Then I lost the station, never knowing what I was listening to. Just like that it was gone, but those lines would periodically stick in my head out of the blue.

Well that happened again recently (yeah, still after 30+ years), but now I actually have tools to discover what it was. Yeah, I googled the lyrics. I was off a little bit, but looking at the potential matches there it was: Roger Hodgson/Had a Dream (Sleeping with the Enemy). Roger was formerly in Supertramp, and had released his first solo album in 1984 (so now I even knew the year).

Next up: oh please oh please oh please let it be on YouTube. Bam!

It was the 80's so of course it had a video. Listening to it made all those memories come flooding back. Except...

...the lyrics I had memorized were not in the actual video. More YouTube searching revealed an unedited version of the song. Here it is in its full glory:

(at the 3:45 mark!).


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