Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Survivor Fiji: Millennials vs Gen-X Week 5 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Millennials versus Gen-X. Twenty players (16 remaining) were separated into two tribes according the generation they were born into.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


So I really wanted to hear David's explanation of why he used his idol on Jessica, but it never got that far. He expected everyone to let him have it back at camp, but they said they were more curious than mad. Jessica had a moment with Ken and she said she trusted him now because he really was telling her the truth. She shared with him her Legacy Advantage information and said she would have willed it to him if she had been voted out.

The next morning started the #NoShame idol search with basically everyone looking because David had altered the game with his. And wouldn't you know it, David actually found the second one too! He had the advantage of knowing to look for the tribe symbol which he saw on a log. Once he got CeCe and Sunday to give up in that particular area, he cracked open the log to get the idol out. Good grief, the idiot is armed again!

All that changed when they all got back to the beach with Jeff though... Yep, time to #DropYourBuffs! But this was not a merge, it was a re-distribution of players!

The new Takali tribe is: Taylor, Figgy, Adam, Jessica and Ken. That's three Millennials and two Gen-X. The Figgy/Taylor couple stays together as well as the newly tight Jessica/Ken duo.


The new Vanua tribe is: CeCe, Chris, David, Zeke and Michelle. The Gen-Xers have a 3:2 advantage in this group. However, I think they also have the two weakest players in CeCe and "crazy Dave". This allowed Chris some breathing room to be in charge for a change and make some moves. He struck up a good connection with Zeke of all people when they found out they were both Oklahoma boys.


Hey, ummm Von? You left some players out from the two tribes. What?!? Oh I certainly did because Probst went and added a third tribe to the game!

Welcome Ika Bula! This tribe consists of Michaela, Bret, Jay, Nerdsexy, Sunday and Will. That's four Millennials and only two Gen-Xers. They got an extra player because they have to start over with Day 1 back at their camp. Yep, there's no shelter or anything.

Michaela did great at camp by being the only one that could get a fire started. She then had an emotional moment with herself crying because of succeeding at things when you're at your lowest point. She might be my new favorite to win the whole thing.


Immunity Challenge

This week's challenge involved retrieving sunken buoys one by one and then shooting them into a basket once they were all collected. First two tribes to ring five balls in the hoop win immunity.

Remember what I said about Cece and David being the weakest players? OH MY LORD! First Cece takes about two days to swim her buoy to the other platform while the other teams are collecting them like crazy. Then the David show begins. I am not sure who was the stronger of the two between him and his buoy but David seemed to be losing that battle half the time. He kept losing it in the water and had to chase it down, then he couldn't even get the buoy and his scrawny chest up on the next platform. And when he did, it rolled off the other side and he had to dive back in to retrieve it. His teammates even wondered out loud if he was throwing the challenge (because you know that always works).

Let's just say Vanua never had a chance. Takali was the first to get all five, and with no pressure on them Ika Bula was next. Vanua never even got one buoy in at the end. Off to tribal they go!


Tribal Council

So now here's their dilemma. The two weakest players in their tribe are also in the majority alliance. Will Gen-X vote out one of their own, or focus on the Millennials Michelle and Zeke? Chris talks to David and ponders voting out CeCe. They then approach Michelle and Zeke with that plan, but Michelle is wary of it. She talks to CeCe about the alliances and states her case of being better than David just in case the decide to go with a Millennial instead.

David even wondered if it was the right thing to do and said he could always just use his idol on CeCe. I swear if I could have punched him through my TV screen I would have. Chris even "joked" that he would choke him at tribal if he pulled any further shenanigans. I'm pretty sure he was serious.

It was obvious though. Michelle got one vote. CeCe got the other four and got sent home.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Takali: Jessica (5)*, Ken, Adam**, Figgy (3), and Taylor. 

Vanua: Chris, David** (1), Michelle, and Zeke.

Ika Bula: Bret, Michaela, Jay, Hannah, Sunday (1), and Will.

Voted out (in order): Rachel, Mari, Paul, Lucy, CeCe

* Has a Legacy Advantage

** Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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