Thursday, October 15, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 4 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (17 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

So the main thing in camp this week was Kass attempting to "win friends and influence people". So she was up before everyone else and was working on a little project that Kelly noticed. She thought Kass was attempting to make an immunity idol (especially when she shooed Kelly away on the beach), but it actually turned out to be a birthday charm for Kelly. Aww...


Jeremy was talking to Stephen about the continued search for the immunity idol and where they should look. Jeremy shared privately off camera that he finally got an idol and it's his. He ain't sharing that with anyone.

Spencer was also talking to others in the camp about Kelly W and how her allegiances lie mostly with people in the other tribes.

Another new day, another day of complaining by Abi. She just can't let go that she received votes twice from Woo. Jeff, on the other hand, is saying he is hating life now because he has to kiss everyone's ass in camp to survive.


Reward Challenge

The reward this time was for food/bbq supplies. Each tribe had to pick one person to retrieve a bag off a floating partition, head back through the water, place the bag on a catapult, and jump on it to shoot it in an overhead net. This had to be done three times. Andrew went for Angkor, Jeremy for Bayon, and Terry for Ta Keo.

Terry was the first to get his first bag in the net and had a huge lead. Jeremy was second, while Andrew finished last. The pace slowed down a lot after that as the water was taking its toll.

Andrew was first this time at getting the second bag in place, while Terry finished second, and Jeremy last.

The last one was a struggle as all of them were gassed and mostly walking. Andrew once again was able to get the bag in the net first and won the much needed food for his tribe. Terry was able to finish ahead of Jeremy to win a little something for Ta Keo, while Bayon went back to camp with nothing.


Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week was just for immunity, with the third place tribe going to tribal council. Each tribe would have a "caller" which would yell directions to the rest of their blindfolded teammates. They had to walk through a huge field of puzzle pieces (48 total) and retrieve only their tribe colors. Once they had all 16, they could take off the masks and assemble the huge cube puzzle.

Basically what ensued once it began was chaos. Everybody was running into each other, tripping over pieces, and falling over other people. There were many bumps and bruises in this one. Ta Keo was first to get all their puzzle pieces together, followed by Angkor and then Bayon.

Spencer, who was once on the "brains" tribe a few seasons ago, was huge here and actually orchestrated Bayon finishing first. Ta Keo worked on their puzzle and solved it while the Angkor members all looked like they were about to pass out without even trying. The fact that they won reward and got a good meal the day before didn't help them at all so on to tribal they went.


Tribal Council

Somehow in this weird universe of craziness, the deciding factor in the whole thing lied right on the shoulders of Abi. Yeah, Abi.

The whole thing revolved around who should stay or go between Woo and Jeff. Woo would be more helpful in future immunity challenges, while injured Jeff only had his previous loyalties on his side. So Abi had to choose between someone who had voted for her twice (as she kept telling everyone), or for the one that had voted with her against others.

After an impassioned speech by Jeff in full ass kissing mode, he was still voted out as everyone saw Woo's worth over him. Woo got one vote, and Jeff the other four and got sent home,

So that leaves us with (restructured for new tribes with total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Ta Keo: Joe, Kass, Keith, Ciera, Terry and Kelley*

Bayon: Spencer (4), Jeremy*, Stephen, Kimmi, Kelly W, Monica

Angkor: Woo (1), Abi-Maria (6), Tasha, Andrew

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff


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