Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 6 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (12 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Reward Challenge

BBQ/picnic food was up for reward this week. One person from each tribe would dive down to untie a buoy that would release 20 balls. The rest of the team would dive in at this point to help usher all the balls to the beach and place them on trays. First team to shoot 10 of the balls into a long basket wins the challenge.

Aubry dove in and got the balls released for Gondol while Michelle had major problems on the Chan Loh side. Gondol had all their balls to the beach already by time Chan Loh could even dive in.

Once there, Scot took a nice calm pace and led Nick at 3-1 before eventually falling behind. Nick had even stretched the lead to 8-6, needing only two more to win. Unfortunately he never hit another shot as Scot reeled off four straight to win 10-8.

So back at camp Michelle is feeling horrible for messing up the reward challenge. Nick in all his lack of smoothness said to her face yeah she was the target now. Harsh. Debbie started sucking up to Nick because she thinks he looks like a Greek god (of what, big noses and weird teeth?). She says he has the classic lines and will get a modeling gig after this because she used to be a model herself so she knows what they look for. I'm just going to leave that right there...

#HalloweenModel #Scarecrow? #Witch? #Both!

Julia joined this tribe just in time to get some food. She took Anna's place (sniff) who was voted out last week. To Tang is no more.

This tribe was grumbling from the start. First it was Peter hitting up Tai to vote out Joe. Then it was Peter hitting up Julia to knock out Joe/Aubry. I think Peter even sent up smoke signals to the other tribe to help him vote out Joe. It even got to the point where Joe flat out confronted him and he knew Peter was lying.


Immunity Challenge

The next challenge for immunity was to: 1) navigate through an obstacle course depending on teamwork, 2) take two poles and knock down 20 cubes from an overhanging net, and 3) stack all 20 cubes (2 sizes, 10 of each) on top of each other without falling. First to stack them all wins immunity. Loser goes to tribal.

Everyone was about even in the obstacle course. Some of the things they had to climb over were very tall and there was a lot of "human ladders" going on. Some players size was very helpful, but it was also extremely slow getting those big bodies over things.

Gondol got all of their overhead cubes down quickly and began various methods of stacking them. Chan Loh eventually caught up and employed different methods as well. I would say the blocks stacked to at least 15 feet high so it wasn't an easy task. Gondol almost had it at one point but the smaller blocks on top fell (with one cracking Joe upside the skull). Tai went into spider monkey mode on top of Scot, while Chan Loh hoisted their scarecrow Debbie on top of Nick. Both were down to the last cube when Chan Loh got the last one on top. It was wobbly, but stayed as the team made it back to their mat to win immunity. Gondol goes to tribal.


Tribal Council

Aubry was talking with Joe about possibly needing Peter in case they would eventually be outnumbered. Joe went and made peace with Peter on those grounds. A lot of the talk centered on just voting out Julia since she was new and it was an easy choice. Peter felt his blindside was out so he agreed with that too, but then Aubry began to feel that Peter just wasn't trustworthy so she wanted to change her mind. Joe said nope, he had agreed to one thing and he was loyal and sticking to it. This led to much confusion on voting strategies.

Peter received two votes. Julia had two votes. Peter got a third vote. The last card read Julia Peter. No really, it had Julia's name struck through and then Peter's name written down. Turned out that was Aubry's card. Either way, goodbye doctor douche.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Chan Loh - Cydney, Jason*, Nick, Neal*, Michelle, Debbie, 

Gondol - Scot (1), Julia (2), Tai*, Aubry (2), Joe

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter

Caleb was removed due to medical reasons (Week 4).

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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