Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Survivor Fiji: Millennials vs Gen-X Week 3 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Millennials versus Gen-X. Twenty players (18 remaining) were separated into two tribes according the generation they were born into.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


So immediately back at camp, here comes NerdSexy (Hannah) trying to explain to Zeke why she voted the way she did. He wanted none of it. He asked just to be left alone to sort things about but she wouldn't shut up. She tried to say that she knew she was on bottom and her vote wouldn't matter anyway so she didn't want to target herself, but even Adam was like damn girl, just leave the guy alone like he asked. These some whiny bitches.

Later on, the popular clique was out discussing things and zeroed in on voting out Zeke next.

The Summit: Tree mail brings a chance to go to a summit with the other tribe by drawing rocks. Will, Taylor, Figgy and Jay get to go. Wow. In the end though it wasn't as monumental as they had hoped. They deflected questions about anyone "hooking up", while finding out basically that Paul was on the top for Takali.


So Dave, CeCe, and Ken know they are on bottom, but they start expressing to the rest of the group questioning why Paul is on top. Ken says when he goes out, he brings back fish. Paul is supposed to be this great fisherman but never catches anything. They start chipping away at his facade.

Ken had a one on one with Jessica about things, but she was real cautious and wanting to be around for Day 36 to use her Legacy Advantage.

The Summit: CeCe, Dave, Paul and Chris got to go, but not much went on. Paul told stories like everyone wanted to listen to him. They didn't. Oh, and Dave basically prostituted himself out to Taylor saying after the merge he would vote out his own tribe to survive if asked to.


Immunity Challenge

This week's challenge involved carrying a bag through an obstacle course and then over a balance beam. Once everyone makes it over, the bags will then be opened and bean bags will be separated from coconuts. Bean bags will then be used to knock down a standing puzzle. When all pieces are knocked off the stand, the puzzle must be re-assembled. First one to complete that win immunity.

They were about even through the obstacle course, but then came the balance beam. Will fell with his bag which gave Gen-X a small lead...until CeCe happened. She moved along that beam at a snail's pace. Baby step by baby step. Second person from the Millennials made it across. Baby steps. Third person across. Baby steps. A fourth person across. More baby steps. The Millennials were showing major teamwork with Taylor carrying across several bags, but CeCe and Gen-X were more focused on individual achievements.

Gen-X caught up a little bit knocking off the puzzle pieces, but Zeke/Michelle was much quicker than Dave/Sunday putting it back together. Millennials win, sending Gen-X to Tribal.

Along with immunity, the Millennials also got comfort items, but they immediate asked Jeff if they could trade that for fishing gear instead. Probst said it was up to Gen-X and all they had to say was no. They said no. If there was anything that exemplifies this entire generation it was the comment of "if they were our parents they would have said yes and let us have it". #Spoiled


Tribal Council

CeCe was the immediate target here for screwing up the immunity challenge. The alliance of six agreed on that right away. The bottom three, however kept pecking away at Paul. And then someone mentioned a Men versus Women alliance which definitely got the ladies attention. But did it put enough doubt in their heads to vote against Paul?

CeCe and Paul were tied at three votes apiece, but when Paul got that fourth vote it appeared that someone had flipped. Actually all the women in the alliance of six flipped and Paul was sent home.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Takali: Bret, Chris, Cece (6), David** (1), Jessica*, Ken, Lucy, and Sunday (1). 

Vanua: Adam, Hannah, Figgy (3), Jay, Michaela, Michelle, Taylor, Will and Zeke.

Voted out (in order): Rachel, Mari, Paul

* Has a Legacy Advantage

** Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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