Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 9 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (9 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Wow, the guys are a bunch of douches. They are all butthurt about the women teaming up and blindsiding Nick last week. So what do they decide to do? Become even bigger douches. First they get up and hide the hatchet and ax, then in front of everyone, Scot stands up and dumps the whole thing of water onto the fire, putting it out. Tai was very hesitant at first about doing these things, but even he put the fire out one morning before everyone else got up.



Reward Challenge

So when they all gathered the next morning for the reward challenge (Chinese takeout), Jeff asked how things were going. It was so obvious the camp was divided down the middle that he let them choose their own teams, with one guy sitting out. Jason, Scot, and Tai were together but needed one more person. Julia jumped ship quicker than Debbie could come up with another job she has worked. Joe decided to sit out, but was allowed to pick one team to win. If he was right, he would get to share in the reward. Cool. He chose the girls.

So the four team members were tethered to a rope which was braided into one big one. You had to use teamwork to unbraid yourselves, then unwrap it from the pole by going over it several times so that it would reach back to the starting point.

Once every team member was done, they could go to the next part which was knocking blocks off a table with beanbags. The girls trailed the whole time, but got pretty close at the end before Jason knocked off the last block to earn reward for the guys + Julia. Joe chose poorly.

Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week was to stack blocks one at a time on a long board that was attached to a trip hazard. Stack all your blocks and then set them tumbling like dominoes to ring the gong and win immunity.

Scot and Jason were simply too big and would keep hitting the trip hazard knocking all their blocks over and having to start from scratch. Cydney had the same problem. 

The smaller people fared better. Michelle was the first to have them all lined up, but the blocks didn't fall all the way to the end. Next up was Debbie, and nope. Jason even caught up and tried but once again, no. When out of nowhere, Julia, who had been going a super slow pace, knocked over all the dominoes to win immunity.


Tribal Council

Now this is where things went insane.

Aubry was pushing to vote out Julia because of her flipping during the reward, but that was knocked out when she won immunity. She had brought it up to Debbie, but she was playing too emotional and was locked in on voting out Jason.

Things turned a bit when they had decided to flush out idols and split the vote between Tai and Jason. Debbie told Julia in front of everyone what the plans were, who ran right back to the guys and told them. Eyes were now looking at Debbie as being irresponsible. Joe shot down that idea when approached though, so now they needed Julia's vote of all people to knock out Debbie. However the guys were counting on her vote to knock out Cydney. And it even got crazier at tribal!

Jason jumped up and said let's get it out there! Tai has an idol and will use it. I have an idol too and will do rock/paper/scissors with Scot to see who gets to keep it. Jason lost, BUT then Scot gives the idol to Tai so that he has both! And this was all before the vote. Jeff was bug eyes there for a second and just said wow.

Scot got two votes from Debbie/Joe. Cydney got the three guys votes, but Julia did vote with the girls and gave Debbie the four votes needed to be sent home. All that posturing with the idols really didn't mean anything in the end.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Dara - Cydney (3), Jason (1), Michelle, Scot (3), Julia (2), Tai*, Aubry (4), Joe

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter. 
On the jury: Neal, Nick, Debbie

Removed due to medical reasons: Caleb (Week 4), and Neal (Week 7).

* Has 2 Hidden Immunity Idols


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