Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Survivor: Blood vs Water Week 4 Recap

This week's recap is sponsored* by:

*And by "sponsored" I mean it's what I drank while watching the episode. No real sponsors yet. Many spots still available...


So after last week's tribal council where Coyopa voted out John Rocker, things look real bleak for them. Hunahpu definitely has an advantage now.

Coyopa (Orange)

Back at camp after tribal everybody was feeling more "positive" about things with Rocker gone. Well everybody except Dale. He realized he was completely left out of the strategies leading up to the vote and feels he is in major trouble now. He is.

Hunahpu (Blue)

So guess what they find? An idol? Nope. The flint that they lost in week 2. Drew has the idea of trying to swap it for part of the fishing gear, but no one sides with him. He doesn't shut up about it either. Everyone at camp says Drew is a big talker, but does nothing around camp. Uh huh...


Reward Challenge

So before they even start, Drew is like "excuse me Jeff". He looks up and notices the flint in Drew's hand. They basically ask what the return policy is and can they get something for it. Jeff toys with them a bit and then basically says umm, nope.

So Jon and Jaclyn square off in the reward challenge. This week is a choice of two things: comfort items as before, or campfire food (sausages, popcorn, smores). They bout lose their mind over the food.

So the challenge is to hook three bags with balls in them and drag them back by a rope. Take the balls out and put them on a mini catapult to jump and shoot them in five different baskets. Jaclyn got off to a good lead, but Jon caught up and sank the last ball before she did.

Jon chose Drew to go into exile with his woman.


Exile Island

As usual there were two jars to choose from. This time Drew got the clue. Then things got interesting.

They began talking about their respective camps and alliances and stuff. Drew then tells her that he is going to try and throw the Immunity Challenge so he can start weeding out some of the snakes in his camp. I'm not sure Jaclyn believed him.


Immunity Challenge

Each side had to use six people, and Hunahpu surprisingly left off Jeremy, Jon and Kelley. Either they were thinking about throwing the challenge, or thought they could win with weak people.

The challenge was to swim and climb up on a ramp, then run up the ramp and dive off. Swim to a floating ring, untie it, and return backwards through the obstacles to the beginning. Then two partners would try to throw the rings on some hooks.

Baylor, Jaclyn, Alec and Wes for Coyopa were able to retrieve all four before Missy, Reed, Natalie and Keith were for Hunahpu.

In the ring toss part, Drew takes over an purposely (?) keeps missing. Dale and Josh are able to get all four rings on to win immunity for Coyopa.


Tribal Council

This is what I have been waiting to see. Now Hunahpu has to show how they really feel about things. And things got crazy y'all.

So earlier, Keith goes out hunting for the idol and can't find it. He assumes that someone else has it already and that it must be Jeremy because he was the only other one to go to Exile Island from Hunahpu. He tells the others what he thinks and Jeremy goes and bout loses his mind. He way overreacts and thinks Keith is conspiring against him now and wants to vote Keith out. The funny thing about all this is after Jeremy's blow up, Keith goes looking again and actually finds the idol.

Jon starts talking about voting Julie out because the merge is coming soon and he doesn't want the singles to outnumber the couples. Makes sense.

Drew, however, thinks that Kelley is somehow the silent and deadly leader of the women and campaigns (sometimes five feet away) to vote her out. And, like the fishing gear earlier, he won't shut up about it, is bull-headed and won't listen to anyone else's opinions. He annoyed a lot of people.

The vote was all over the place:
Kelley and Keith got one vote each. Julie got two votes, and Drew got the remaining five, basically because he wouldn't shut up.

My predictions were close for Hunahpu. I think it would have been one of the women if Drew hadn't forced the issue. Bad play on his part.

So that leaves us with:

Team Coyopa (Orange - 6 players): Alec, Baylor, Dale, Jaclyn, Josh, and Wes.

Team Hunahpu (Blue - 8 players): Jeremy, Jon, Julie, Keith*, Kelley, Missy, Natalie, and Reed.

*has an idol

Voted out (in order): Nadiya, Val, Rocker, Drew

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