Friday, October 10, 2014

Survivor: Blood vs Water Week 4 Predictions

So I was just looking at the remaining players for Coyopa and Hunahpu and rated them from strongest to weakest within each tribe. Here's what I came up with:

Coyopa has been hit with tribal three times in a row to start the season (and I don't see that trend changing after what they did last episode). So strongest to weakest I have:

1) Alec - Saw the Rocker vote as a bad idea
2) Josh - Floater, playing all the sides
3) Wes - Seems like a good guy
4) Jaclyn - Not as bad as the last two but not very useful either
5) Dale - they have already discussed him being useless in immunity challenges
6) Baylor - Has received votes every week, just a matter of time now

In a "man vs woman" tribal decision, Josh would play the key role. He could vote with the guys (smartest move for him) or support the two remaining girls and deadlock things at three (and that would show the guys what a flipper he is making him a target for the next vote).

Now they could also go after Dale, realizing that they have Baylor in their back pockets for the next vote. There's some logic in that because at least Baylor is young and potentially helpful in the immunity challenge.

*Predictions - 

Dale is the next to go. I was going to say Baylor before I typed that last paragraph.

Depending on how many players they go with, I say Alec and Josh make it to the merge.

And now for Hunahpu. This is actually what got me thinking about all this because they haven't even had to go to tribal yet so you really don't know what internal politics are going on within the group. You only know that they had a hategasm for Rocker. Yeah I just made that word up.

This is how I rate their players:

1) Jeremy - Obviously the leader here
2) Jon - After his calisthenics display he has played strong and silent
3) Reed - The only reason he is ranked ahead of Keith is because of age
4) Keith - Age is against him but like Wes seems to be a good guy
5) Julie - Actually has been a strong player, but already upset over Rocker. What happens when she sees that he is gone?
6) Natalie - Big ass mouth and most annoying player in the game to me
7) Drew - Showing your tribe how lazy you are is not a good thing
8) Missy - In the same boat as Baylor I think
9) Kelly - In three weeks of notes while watching the episodes I haven't written one single thing about her

Tribal would put them in a man vs woman situation as well with the guys holding the advantage five to four. In that scenario I see Kelly, Missy and Natalie being discussed. They can't vote out a guy because that would even the odds so Drew is safe (for now).


The first time they go to tribal I think Natalie is gone. In the beginning of the game be useful, but keep a low profile. She has failed at that and made herself a target. She will be gone like her sister.

The next round will be between Missy/Kelly unless there is some strategy involved to blindside somebody. Look out Drew.


And finally, I am going to go ahead and throw out my final three. 

Who could win: Alec, Josh, Wes, Jeremy, Jon, Reed, and Keith

Who doesn't stand a chance: Jaclyn, Dale, Baylor, Julie, Natalie, Drew, Missy, and Kelly.

My choices are Jeremy, Jon and Alec. Josh is a close fourth. Jeremy will win. There, my predictions are official.


panel management

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