Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Survivor: Blood Vs Water Recap (10/08/14)

This week's recap is sponsored* by:

*And by "sponsored" I mean this is what I drank while watching the episode. I would love to have a sponsor of any kind...hello?...anyone?...sigh...


So after last week's tribal council for Coyopa led to Val getting voted out, everyone was anxious to see what Jeremy's reaction would be once the groups got back together. Oh it was epic y'all.

But first, things were stirring individually at each of the camps.

Coyopa (Orange) 

They were discussing a "strong boy alliance" because of only two women left on the tribe. Baylor and Jaclyn are quite aware of the situation.

Hunahpu (Blue) 

The tribe started prepping their camp for potential monsoons and everybody shipped in, well except for Drew. Hippie boy gave up on his task in less than a minute and showed everyone he would rather sleep. Everyone agreed that he was totally worthless. I think this will play out later.


Reward Challenge

So when the tribes come back together and Jeremy sees that Val is gone he goes off. He is yelling at the other tribe that the men are controlling everything and the women better unite or they are in trouble. John said he tried to save her but Jeremy wouldn't have any of it. I still blame Val for all this because of how she acted last week. That's on her and not Rocker.

The reward challenge faced Wes off against his dad, Keith. They had to balance on this board from one end to the other trying to stack six boards on top of each other "pancake style" with a long spatula. It was slow going, but very close with Wes winning for Coyopa. They were then given an option and chose fishing gear over comfort items like pillows and blankets.

Keith gets sent to Exile Island, and Wes chooses his tribe mate Josh to go with him.

Exile Island

This was the second trip to Exile Island for Keith so he knew what to expect. He said he would share the info he got because he got shut out of the clue by Val the first time. Josh got the blank piece of paper while Keith did get the clue. Josh didn't seem to care because it wasn't at his camp.

These two seemed to get along very well. They shared a meal of snails, but did not talk any strategy. The funniest moment came when Keith showed the sleeping arrangements on opposite sides of the fire and declared there would absolutely be "no spooning". Too funny.

Immunity Challenge

The battle for immunity was the race through an obstacle course while tethered to a teammate. They had to retrieve a ball and shoot it into a hoop in the middle of the course.

The results went like this:

Jon/Natalie beat Josh/Baylor (blue 1, orange 0)
Wes/Alec beat Missy/Julie (blue 1, orange 1)
John/Jaclyn beat Drew/Reed (blue 1, orange 2)
Jeremy/Kelly beat Josh/Baylor (blue 2, orange 2)
Jon/Natalie beat Wes/Alec (blue 3, orange 2)

Hunahpu wins immunity for the third straight time.

It was at this point that Natalie basically goes batshit crazy. She was constantly running her mouth and trying to antagonize Rocker into a fight. She just wouldn't shut up. She called him homophobic and a bigot. John said if she was a man he would punch her in the teeth (there was a quick moment where he even said she looked like a man. Epic).

There was a lot of yelling back and forth that just seemed to come out of nowhere. Jeremy had obviously stirred up a lot of animosity towards Rocker at camp.

Tribal Council

As a quick note, when Hunahpu got back to camp Julie ran off very upset about what had just happened to John. I didn't think it was justified either.

Now back at Coyopa the discussions started. Some agreed that Dale was "dead wood" and useless at challenges. The guys still talked about sticking to their original plan and vote out Baylor.

The biggest thing at camp was obviously the Rocker thing and whether they should blindside him. Alec actually pointed out that he was their best athlete and was a big asset to their tribe. He did not think it was a smart move to vote him out.

As the voting started I really had no idea how things were going to play out. The tribe didn't seem to either.

Baylor got 2 votes, Rocker got 5 and was sent home. After all the animosity that was stirring up against him, he should have played his idol immediately to ensure he would survive another day and maybe calm the tempers at camp. Instead he went home with a souvenir.

So that leaves us with:

Team Coyopa (Orange - 6 players): Alec, Baylor, Dale, Jaclyn, Josh, and Wes.

Team Hunahpu (Blue - 9 players): 
Drew, Jeremy, Jon Misch, Julie, Keith, Kelley, Missy, Natalie, and Reed.

Voted out (in order): Nadiya, Val, Rocker


Observations: I think Coyopa allowed Hunahpu to actually influence their vote at tribal. The way I see it is that the blue team got the orange team to vote out the biggest threat to the blue team. So instead of getting rid of their weaker players and strengthening themselves, they did just the opposite.

Coyopa is definitely weaker now and whoever survives to the merge will be quickly voted out. They desperately need to win an immunity challenge and sure as hell aren't going to be able to do that with their best athlete gone.

Well played Hunahpu. Well played.

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