Saturday, April 20, 2013

State of the (Dis)Union Address

At this point it is exactly four months since I was suspended and terminated by Disney. The original write up can be found here. I just wanted to summarize the events of the past four months into a timeline so everyone can see how long and arduous this task has been to get reinstated. I will also point out some current circumstances that are very relevant to my case.

  • December 20th - This was when the false incident occurred. I was suspended within 30 minutes and terminated within the week. I drove straight to the Union Hall on this day and started the grievance process.

  • February 26th - Yes, it took this long for me to even have my grievance meeting. By all accounts it went very well. Another train cast member had his meeting after mine for a different matter (the night of the photograph and bathroom non-incident) and received an offer from them in two days. It took mine over three weeks to get a reply.

  • March 15th - I finally get a reply and a weak "offer" which I rejected on the same day. I sent a counter-offer through the union back to Disney on the same day.

  • April 4th - Another engineer, in full view of two conductors ran through the wheelchair gate at Main Street and hopped on front of a moving train, a clear violation. Exact same violation I was accused of. Two witness statements were filed. Was he terminated? No. Was he suspended within 30 minutes for an investigation like I was? Nope. Did he even receive a safety reprimand? Doubtful. Did the witness statements suddenly disappear? Yep. Ammunition for my next grievance meeting? Absolutely. He is still working at this time. Have I mentioned that he is also Cancer's love interest? Yeah.

  • April 20th - Four exact months from the original date. Still no reply from Disney. Now I know things take some time but they are clearly dragging their feet and hoping I find another job. I am not dropping my case. I will not be squished by a Mouse.