Thursday, November 15, 2018

Survivor Season 37: David Vs. Goliath Week 8 Recap

For Survivor's 37th season, 20 brand-new castaways (12 remaining) will be sorted into two groups: The Davids, who have scratched and clawed their way through life to prove themselves, overcome adversity, and earned everything they've got. And then there's the Goliaths, who come from a place of privilege and have capitalized on their advantage to crush the competition, be it in business, education, or the professional wrestling ring. 

But social politics can change drastically when you're stranded on an island in the game of Survivor; as Jeff says, every Goliath has an Achilles heel, and every David has a secret weapon.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Before I even start, let me say what a pain in the ass Spectrum is. The internet and/or live tv app will go down 50% of the time trying to watch prime time tv. You can look at my tweets over there to the right to see how mad I was for this happening yet again.


Back at camp, Angelina had some 'splainin to do. She made up a story that she wasn't working the jury beforehand. No one believed her.

Christian and Mike reconnected about the cross-tribal alliance (or, the #StrikeForce). Mike was concerned over Gabby's behavior, but Christian reassured him that she just over-worries sometimes.

Not taking things lying down, Nick and Davie head out to look for idols. They found a clue that was only a picture of a beach with a lone palm tree sticking up. They headed to the beach to look for anything that resembled the clue. Karl joined them, but everyone else was on the beach too so Davie started doing some Tai Chi Kung Fu stuff on the beach to distract everyone. Nick went to the base of the tree and found an advantage that allows them to steal a vote. Karl then informed them that he had an Idol Nullifier advantage as well. The Davids have some ammo now for sure.

Reward Challenge

Two teams of six had to hold 8 sandbags over their heads. If anyone drops then an overhead trough full of water dumps on them causing them to lose.

Gabby was a captain and chose Christian, Allison, John, Alec and Nick. The other captain was Mike who chose Karl, Kara, Davie, Dan and Angelina.

After 15 minutes, each team drops one player. Gabby and Angelina stepped down first. The next round Christian and Karl stepped down, leaving 8 bags for four players. Dan was acting cocky holding three bags and saying something to the other team bragging...then dropped a bag to lose it for his team.


Individual Immunity Challenge

Everyone had to stand on a perch and hold a buoy on each end with two sticks. Fall off or drop your buoy and you're out.

Kara didn't last one minute. Then Christian dropped followed by Allison and Davie. John fell next with Gabby right behind. Then down goes Karl. And Alec. And Mike.

Nick dropped leaving Angelina and Dan to fight it out. Angelina finally dropped leaving Dan to win immunity, which was good after messing up the reward challenge.


Tribal Council

Mike was having second thoughts about going against the Goliaths. He met with the rest of them and they said the biggest threat from the Davids is Christian because he is so damn likable by everybody. They agreed to float Angelina's name out there, but take care of Christian before it's too late.

Angelina is worried about her name being used, especially if Christian has an idol. Dan tells her if that happens he will play his idol on her. Nick tells Christian everyone is lying to him. Nick also hits up Davie to see if he could possibly use his advantage to save Christian.

And this is the point where my internet started working again...

Everyone was questioning, who was going to vote which way, and which alliances were strong, and who were the biggest targets.

After the vote, Davie plays his idol for Christian. Everyone was stunned because they had no idea he had one. That's why you don't tell anybody people!

Angelina went into beg mode for Dan's coat idol. He uses it for her like he promised.

Christian got seven votes! And none counted. Angelina got two votes, which didn't count either. And then third name popped up: John. He was the only one unprotected and got sent home with only three votes against him.

So that leaves us with (total votes received in parentheses):

Carl**, Davie*(1), Kara, Alec, Dan*, Allison, Christian (7), Gabby, Mike, Angelina (4), and Nick**

*Has a Hidden Immunity Idol. 
Davie found his in Week 2, and used it this week on Christian. 
Dan found one in Week 1 and Week 5, and used one of them on Angelina this week.

**Has an Advantage
Carl got his "Idol Nullifier" on Exile Island in Week 4.
Nick found the "Steal a Vote" this week.

Voted out and on the jury: Elizabeth, John

Voted out (in order): Pat (injury), Jessica, Jeremy, Bi (injury), Natalia, Natalie, Lyrsa


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