Thursday, October 25, 2018

Survivor Season 37: David Vs. Goliath Week 5 Recap

For Survivor's 37th season, 20 brand-new castaways (15 remaining) will be sorted into two groups: The Davids, who have scratched and clawed their way through life to prove themselves, overcome adversity, and earned everything they've got. And then there's the Goliaths, who come from a place of privilege and have capitalized on their advantage to crush the competition, be it in business, education, or the professional wrestling ring. 

But social politics can change drastically when you're stranded on an island in the game of Survivor; as Jeff says, every Goliath has an Achilles heel, and every David has a secret weapon.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Before we even got started (again), a huge storm came in and everyone had to be evacuated. Now personally, I would have like to see them try to weather that storm and show the true meaning of "survivor". I mean that's the name of the show, but for safety everyone was boated out to a safe location. Camps had to be rebuilt upon the return.


The new tribe here consists of two Goliaths and three Davids: Kara, Alec, Davie, Elizabeth and Karl joining them from Exile Island.

Kara finds herself struggling because now Goliath is outnumbered because of Alec flipping last week. She hits up Elizabeth about not trusting him now, but Elizabeth see Kara as the one who should go home next.

Davie is the only one in this tribe with an idol.


The new tribe here consists of three Goliaths and two Davids as well: John, Dan, Allison, and the cute nerdy couple Christian and Gabby stay together.

Dan is the only one with an idol in this tribe and since he was at a new camp he walked around kind of knowing what to look for. He found another piece of bamboo with a green string around it which had a clue to an idol. But it was one of those cool idols that's hidden in the middle of a challenge.


The new tribe here, like the other two has a 3/2 mix consisting of three Goliaths and two Davids: Natalie, Mike, Angelina, Lyrsa and Nick.

Same discontent of Natalie here. She keeps talking about being in the majority and seeing Nick/Lyrsa as the first people to go in a potential first tribal, but you know either Mike or Angelina might flip easily to just be rid of the nuisance.

And then the issue with the jackets started...


Reward Challenge

Okay, so Vuku won the chickens. Second place went to Jabeni who received a bunch of eggs... and that's when the fun started.

I don't think I have ever seen a group argue over what to do with the food they won. It was Natalie of course bossing everyone around and wanting them to boil all the eggs at once. On the other hand Lyrsa, who had some culinary training, said that was a bad idea and that they would last longer uncooked for now. Natalie got her way of course, but Mike said she had a "masters in ungraciousness".


Immunity Challenge

This was a multipart challenge where everyone stayed about even. Jabeni lagged at times but still caught up with everyone at the end. And it ended closely.

First everyone went over and obstacle and then together lifted a ladder against a high wall. One person went up and threw a rope down to the rest, who pulled that tight to support a bridge. The person on top had to cross that bridge while the others held it to secure the bridge on the opposite side. Then everyone else could climb up and over and the slide down a pole on the other side.

Once everyone was in place, they had to untie a bag on a tripod which had a ball in it. Hidden underneath this was the immunity idol Dan found the clue for. The ball was placed on a curved board which was supported one each end by a rope. Then the ball had to be maneuvered up a snake maze to a hole at the top. Dan had to wait for Jabeni to make it to the final stage before sliding back and snagging the idol.

As far as the maze went, it was very close even with Alec and John dropping and having to start over. Christian took over for Tiva and did a hell of a job working his way back up the board. Alec from Vuku found his rhythm and reached the top first, winning immunity for Vuku. Nick was very slow and steady the whole time. As a matter of fact it turned out to be too slow as Christian passed him at the very end winning immunity for Tiva.

Jabeni goes to tribal. 


Tribal Council

So would they stay Goliath strong, or get rid of the Natalie nuisance? Oh, and this is where the jacket thing resurfaced. Angelina had complained about being so cold at night while Lyrsa and Nick had a jacket. She mentioned to Natalie that whoever they send home she wants their jacket. Now Natalie sees this as a bargaining chip somehow and approached Nick saying that if he gives up his jacket/steals Lyrsa's jacket then they won't put his name down. When he tells Natalie no, she asks him "is that jacket worth a million dollars to you?"

Angelina is worried about taking out another Goliath and is on the fence, even though Mike said he wants Natalie gone. She was worried about making a big move, but is it a big move really to vote out a cancer?

After voting, Lyrsa and Natalie were tied with two votes apiece. Mike "flipped" and voted Natalie out. I mean she had to go right?

The pathetic part at the end was Angelina trying to get Natalie's attention asking if she could have her jacket. She heard her, and completely ignored her and walked away.

So that leaves us with (total votes received in parentheses):

Vuku: Elizabeth (1), Carl**, Davie*(1), Kara, Alec

Tiva: John, Dan*, Allison, Christian, Gabby

Jabeni: Mike, Angelina, Lyrsa (2), Nick

Voted out (in order): Pat (injury), Jessica, Jeremy, Bi (injury), Natalia, Natalie

*Has a Hidden Immunity Idol.
**Has an Advantage


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