Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 11 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (7 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Jason gets back to camp after losing Scot and is totally down and out. And pissed that Scot ended up taking his idol away. Julia kind of fessed up about playing both sides and getting called out on it. Michelle was confused over being left out of the loop on the last vote.

Tai tried to apologize to Jason about it just being the game and all. He knew Jason was mad and was worried that he might kill #MarkTheChicken.

I am totally surprised that no one has mentioned if Tai had played the idol on Scot, then Tai himself would have been up for elimination on the re-vote. That's a sound enough reason in my book to not go the "super idol" route.


Reward Challenge

The Reward Challenge this week was a helicopter tour of the island, followed by a picnic. In order to win it, you and your tethered partner must race through an obstacle course to collect three rings, and then throw those rings onto a hanging hook.

Joe/Tai, Julia/Aubry, and Cydney/Michelle were the teams. Jason got left out.

Cydney/Michelle were the first to get two rings, but the last to get the third. Julia/Aubry started off slowly, but were the first to get all three and start the ring toss. It was a race between Joe/Tai and Cydney/Michelle for the third ring, with Joe missing and Cydney hooking it for the win. Julia/Aubry did not get a single ring on the hook. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Cydney and Michelle were allowed to choose only one person to go with them and they quickly chose Aubry.

Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week was to swim out to a platform with an obstacle to go over, memorize several number/symbol pairs and then swim back to shore using that knowledge as a combination to untie a key. The correct key will open a box with letters that forms a word puzzle. First to solve that wins.

So they all swim out and stand there all trying to memorize. Once Cydney took off, everyone followed. Jason thought he had it right away, but the key he untied did not open the lock. He and the others headed back out to look at the symbols again. Well except for Julia and Michelle who surprisingly nailed it immediately and began working on the word puzzle. Michelle figured out the word (blindsided) first to win immunity.

I would also like to point out that Joe quit after his return from the water, and just sat the rest of the challenge out. How is he even still in the game? And how has he not received one single vote yet?


Tribal Council

At the reward picnic, Cydney and Aubry brought Michelle back into the fold saying they trusted her because she has voted with them every time. They recognized Tai as a huge threat now, but also know they need him to knock out Jason/Julia.

Back at camp Jason and Julia hoped that they could get enough numbers to knock out Tai, or at least his idol, but need Michelle and Cydney to accomplish that. He explained to Cydney how this could be beneficial and she agreed. She told Jason she was always open to options.

The main alliance of everyone else agreed on Julia, with Cydney and Michelle saying they would lie to the others about the "Tai thing". That perked his head right up. I don't know if that was a ploy to make Tai use his idol, but if it was it was beautiful.

So now at tribal Tai is nervous as Hell. After the votes were written down, he whispered to Aubry "should I play my idol?" (Yes! Yes! Holy Mother of God tell him yes!), but she said no and wasted a HUGE opportunity to rid the game of an idol. C'mon Aubry, you were in the Brains tribe!

Tai did get votes, but only two. Julia got the other five and was sent home. They could have flushed the idol out merely from the mention of the "Tai thing", and now with only six people left I think they will hugely regret the decisions they didn't make. Sigh.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Dara - Cydney (3), Jason (1), Michelle, Tai* (4), Aubry (6), Joe

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter. 
On the jury: Neal, Nick, Debbie, Scot, Julia

Removed due to medical reasons: Caleb (Week 4), and Neal (Week 7).

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol (that everyone still knows about!)


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