Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 8 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (10 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

So at camp things are starting to heat up just a bit. Jason tells the story of his autistic daughter that makes him seem almost human. As does Scot talking about his mom being in assisted care.

As far as scheming goes Nick took a walk with Julia and asked if there was an all girl alliance being formed which she said no. Cydney was like "what you just can't ask me?" to Jason and Scot who says they didn't send Nick over to ask. They said he did that on his own, but she wasn't buying it. #IrritatedCydney

The consensus of the group is that someone from the Brains tribe is being voted out and they are going to split the vote between Debbie/Aubry to flush out any potential idols with Debbie going home.


Reward Challenge

Captains were picked (Julia and Aubry) as everyone was split into two teams. The ice cream reward involved having your team swim to a pedestal and then use two poles with round boards at the top to transfer one person across the water to another pedestal. Or basically one person walked on stilts while the rest of the team controlled the legs from the water. Once at the other end, all five members of the team had to climb up onto another pedestal and be up there together for three seconds.

Julia chose Nick, Scot, Debbie and Tai. This worked out well because the two big guys were able to stabilize the legs better as Julia walked across them. 

Aubry, however chose poorly because none of Cydney, Michelle, Jason, or Joe could stop her from falling into the water like 37 times. Michelle and Cydney even tried and fell many times as well. They never completed this part at all as the other team slowly moved across and won the reward.

#AubrysBadDecisions #Whiny #Crying

Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge this week was to stand on a perch, holding onto two handles located behind your head. Simple endurance challenge.

Jeff offered to bribe them with food to give up a chance at immunity, but only gave them a limited window to make the choice. Before he even started Julia tapped out so she missed out on food by a few seconds. Bummer.

Once Jeff made the offer however, Joe, Scot, Jason, and Michelle jumped off at the chance at some food.

Debbie was next to fall, followed by Aubry. Jeff asked Nick how confident he was and he was like oh yeah a Brains is going home tonight. Then he fell off the perch.

The final two battled it out awesomely over the next ten or so minutes. Tai called Cydney a redwood as she looked stiff and strong and calm. Tai, however was all shaky and began calling out to Buddha. He even channeled his inner Paul Maud'dib saying she was strong, but he was flexible like bamboo. I will bend like a reed in the wind. Cydney finally fell and Tai won a well deserved individual immunity idol.


Tribal Council

So now Nick takes it upon himself to hit up Aubry since she is on the bottom to make some moves. He tells her the vote is being split so she should "maybe" vote for Debbie. Hint, hint. Cydney then hits up Debbie to possibly take out Nick. They then hit up Michelle/Julia with the same proposal. This hinged on two from the Beauty tribe taking out another Beauty though, and would Cydney goes against Jason/Scot from her own tribe?

So now we are a tribal and Jeff is asking the usual questions, when immunity idols are brought up to Tai. He then starts talking about hearing a rumor about the "super idol" and putting two together even after the vote. Some were stunned at that info. The look on Scot's face was just screaming "shut the eff up! You're giving it all away moron!" Even Tai must have realized he effed up because then he backtracked saying someone could have just been lying to him about that. Basically, now everyone knows Tai has a hidden immunity idol. That was plain stupid.

Now back to the voting. Jason got one vote. But when Debbie only got one vote you knew something was going down. Aubry only got two votes, leaving the other six for Nick, whose arrogance basically cost him a million dollars. #Blindside

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Dara - Cydney, Jason (1)*, Michelle, Debbie (1), Scot (1), Julia (2), Tai*, Aubry (4), Joe

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter. 
On the jury: Neal, Nick

Removed due to medical reasons: Caleb (Week 4), and Neal (Week 7).

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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