Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday and the Random 10 (Testosterone Edition)

So the time has come to roll out another random 10. Sometimes it feels like a very short week in between doing these. Other times it feels like we week is just empty with nothing to blog about.

I mean I throw different things out there to see if any of them get any traction (like the polls). Also I have long term "projects" like the magnet challenge up top. Also up there is something new this week I'm trying with license plates. I'll see how that goes.

So basically if you have any ideas of something you would like to see every week just hit me with your suggestions. I'll probably make it mine in some weird way, but I will def give you credit for it.

Now let's get back to that music thing. Looking at last week, no one got banned so all is good. As usual the rules and whatnot are up top as well.

Bring it on? Oh it's been broughten!

1) The Beatles/Your Mother Should Know - Umm, I know this was the Beatles as does the whole world, yet it took Viggle three times to identify it. The first time it was even in Japanese. Smh...

2) Rick Wakeman/Freefall - Well lookie here. RW used to clog the airwaves here until I deleted a ton of his stuff. Well basically I eliminated everything during the 80's and 90's. I just brought them back and here he is. You're welcome.

3) Enigma/Out from the Deep - Wherever it comes from it's good stuff. Album cover winner:

I tried to find Him on the Christian Cross, but He was not there. I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagodas but could not find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched on the mountains and in the valleys but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. I went to the Caaba in Mecca, but He was not there either. 

I questioned the scholars and philosophers but He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart and it was there that He dwelled that I saw Him; He was nowhere else to be found."

- Jelaluddin Rumi

4) Rick Wakeman/Pacific Paradise - This just blew up Viggle. Welcome back, now you are gone (but not forgotten...)

5) Big Bad Voodoo Daddy/Still in Love With You - Slow, smooth jazz. Yeah daddy-o!

6) King Crimson/The Sheltering Sky - These guys know what they're doing.

7) Toto/I Won't Hold You Back - Sappy song alert! Don't worry this one doesn't effect me like other songs. 

*On a side note, I was accused of being slightly less than "manly" last week. Those that really know me know that I am very secure in who I am (though I do get sentimental sometimes) and that I make fun of myself often. Sometimes the sarcasm doesn't translate well into words I guess. Grunt. Grunt. Spit. I pee testosterone...

8) Nektar/The Dream Nebula - Some space age sounding heavy metal that for once doesn't suck.

9) Circa/Don't Let Go - This is actually another Yes offshoot band with many, shall I say, "lesser" band members like Alan White, Tony Kaye and Billy Sherwood. I'm sure I just made somebody mad with that comment. But hey:

10) The Beatles/Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite - Hey, the Hendersons will all the there! And of course Henry the Horse dances the waltz! Of course he does.

So with that all being said and done we now have The Beatles and Rick Wakeman getting the ban for next week. I just know that RW is going to get Tarkus'd. You all know it too as surely as the sun shall rise in the south.

The STCS for this week is Katy Perry/Firework. Now before you make any assumptions, this was actually from the soundtrack to Madagascar 3 that I downloaded for my kids. Afro circus, afro circus! That, to my knowledge, is the only KP song that I have. Really.

As usual stay cool and dry wherever you are, and Roll Tide!

Play us out awesomely!

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