Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday and the Random 10

Well here we go for another weekly installment of "Awesome Songs" or "Von has that on his computer?...LOL". The way we play the game is that you put your Ipod or mp3 player (or in my case, Media Player) on random and list the first 10 songs that pop up, no matter how embarrassing.

And I would like to point out that RW showed up twice last week, but we were definitely due. Now on to this week's randomness:

1) Asia/Shadow of a Doubt - great comeback album from them a few years ago... unfortunately this will always be linked to my divorce when I hear any songs from it   :-(

2) Journey/In The Morning Day - awesome awesome Journey before the pussy love songs days Steve Perry

3) YES/America - I have never understood their fascination with this Simon & Garfunkel song...versions of it has shown up on at least 4 different albums I's like "another version of America!" and i'm like "so..."

4) Journey/It's All Too Much - wow, another early great song from them, even if it is a Beatles remake...this is a must have album!

5) The Nice/Don Edita el Gruva - there was some great experimental music back in the late 60's/early 70's...this is like a rock jazz version of one of Bach's Brandenburg Concertos...The Nice was Keith Emerson's band before he joined ELP

6) Chicago/Life is What It Is - this is kinda their disco-like album from 1979...not bad in some ways but then again....disco...

7) Rush/A Farewell to Kings - 70's!!!!!!

8) Daft Punk/Arrival - from the Tron Legacy

9) Tommy Shaw/Come In and Explain - from his first solo album...not bad but there were better songs and better days with Styx ahead

and last but not least...

10) King Crimson/Indiscipline - nice!

Ok, I wanted The Nice to play us out but I couldnt find a video of the song so I used Movie Maker and made one of my own. Hope it doesn't suck and actually plays right.

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