Thursday, September 29, 2016

Survivor Fiji: Millennials vs Gen-X Week 2 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Millennials versus Gen-X. Twenty players (19 remaining) were separated into two tribes according the generation they were born into.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


Taylor has serious "love goggles" for Figgy. She didn't come looking for love but "oh those blue eyes..." Bleh. Michaela called them out for kissing in the middle of the night with the best description ever: "Y'all can't be for real. You stink. Your mouth is nasty. You got sand in your drawers, and you kissing somebody. That's disgusting". Classic.

Now his boy Jay is seeing the light and tells him the obvious fact of "power couples do not last". Truth. Back at camp they feel the heat a little bit from snarky comments by Michaela. Adam comes out with the 3 basic rules of Survivor: Don't come blazing out of the gate, don't get into a catfight, and sure as Hell don't get yourself into a "showmance!".


The Gen-X tribe has already formed a large alliance of  Bret, Chris, Jessica, Lucy, Paul, and Sunday. David is definitely on the outs being the obvious weak link to the whole tribe. They call him the puppy of the group. However, he was the one that got the fire lit for everyone, but they all agree he is the next one to go home when it comes to it. Cece chose poorly in aligning with Rachel who was the first one to be voted out.

So David is out "looking for rocks" for the campfire while at the same time digging for idols when he comes across a coconut with a symbol on it. He cracks it open to find a Hidden Immunity Idol. I mean, why not? No one else was looking for any. Well, no one else needs it as badly as he does either...

Later on Ken is spearfishing and gets an octopus for the tribe's dinner. He is talking with David because he feels like he is on the outside too because the social game is not something he is good at. They both agree that it is #PaulsPosse and need to find a good time to bust that alliance. David then reveals to Ken his idol. #BigLeap

So now Ken is talking to Cece to pull her in and they both agree that Paul is the head of the snake that needs to be cut off. And the next thing you know, down goes Paul!

Paul is down complaining about knee pain and that his hands went numb. The producer jumps in and calls for the doctor. Probst shows up and its determined it's just heat exhaustion and dehydration. He's good to stay in the game, but now he definitely has an air of weakness about him.


Immunity Challenge

This week's challenge is all out on the water, and that usually makes it awesome. They have to swim out one at a time to a raft, race up a cargo net and jump off grabbing a key. Once you have all five keys, you use them to unlock a chest with a snorkel inside. This is used to dive down and untie five rings. First to land all five rings on five different targets wins immunity (and a tarp).

Nerdsexy (Hannah) sits out for Vanua. Chris, Paul, Sunday, David, and Jessica do the first leg for Gen-X while Michelle, Will, Michaela, Zeke, and Adam do it for the Millennials. Gen-X has an early lead but loses it when David's 98 lb. ass struggles in the water.

Figgy is down for the first ring for the Millennials followed by Jay and Mari, who takes a real long time to get one. Cece hits the water first for Gen-X, but can't get anything and is replaced by Lucy who does get it. Then Bret gets one. Then Ken gets one. Then Ken gets another one matching Taylor. Jay and Bret get the last ring at about the same time.

Gen-X only misses one throw while the Millennials missed several and got passed. Gen-X doesn't miss again and wins immunity. The Millennials go to Tribal. This should be interesting.


Tribal Council

Mari is immediately talking making Figgy feel comfy and then blindsiding her. Everybody else seems to be centering on Figgy as well. So now Jay, Taylor, Figgy and Michelle counter with targeting Mari. 

Jays tells Figgy and Michaela that Zeke's group is going after them in that order. Now they need Michaela and Figgy to make up and vote together, which goes against Michaela's original plan. So basically it's down to Figgy or not Figgy, which means Mari?

The questioning by Probst just sent everyone into paranoia and amazement that they were on TV in an actual tribal vote. There was also a lot of conversations on the side. Poor Nerdsexy took a hella long time to sort out her thoughts before she even wrote down a name.

Figgy and Mari were tied at three votes apiece...but Mari got the next four to be voted out. Michaela did flip after all.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Takali: Bret, Chris, Cece (3), David** (1), Jessica*, Ken, Lucy, Paul, and Sunday (1). 

Vanua: Adam, Hannah, Figgy (3), Jay, Michaela, Michelle, Taylor, Will and Zeke.

Voted out (in order): Rachel, Mari

* Has a Legacy Advantage

** Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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