Also, Journey continued down their Love Song Spiral of Doom™©® all the way to Exile Island. Good riddance.
Let's make some magic!
1) Billy Joel/James (Turnstiles) - Never heard this one before. Typical Billy on the piano.
2) Evanescence/Say You Will (Greatest Hits 2) - I thought I was going to love them because I'm a sucker for female singers in a rock band (especially a prog one), but so far: meh.
3) Boston/Higher Power (Greatest Hits) - Maybe their last great song? This was the new studio track. Awesome.
4) Steve Howe/Mainland (Homebrew 4) - No idea what this demo turned out to be and I'm too lazy to look it up. None of it sounds familiar.
5) Styx/What Have They Done To You (Brave New World) - The last album to have DDY on it. The best songs were ones he wasn't even involved with.
6) Billy Joel/Shades of Grey (River of Dreams) - Okay first of all, banned. Second of all this song sucks. Bye.
7) Apollo 440/Altamont Super-Highway Revisited (Electro Glide in Blue) - Still awesome and still funky.
8) Cast/One More Angel in Heaven (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Soundtrack) - The funny western styled song about the brothers lying about what happened to Joseph and saying he died from a battle with a goat. No really.


As always stay cool/dry and comfy wherever you are. Go Braves and Roll Tide!
Play us out boys!
Because Boston is always cool.
Because Boston is always cool.
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