Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday and the Random 10 (Xanadu Edition)

You know, I was looking at last week's Random Ten and, like all the others before it, I kinda realized that the picture for the post has nothing to do with the current post itself. So this week I am calling an audible and trying something new. The following picture contains the albums from today's Random Ten:

Also, YES escaped Exile Island last week but AC/DC took their place. This means they cannot show up in the countdown below. If they do, then I will have to release the Kraken Tarkus!

As usual the rules and whatnot are up there ↑ next to the home tab.


And now for some music!

1) Red Hot Chili Peppers/Midnight (By the Way) - Very cool. Haven't heard from these guys in awhile. Still an awesome vibe.

2) The Mahavishnu Orchestra/Miles Out (Inner Worlds) - Talk about an awesome vibe! These guys were way out there with their space age jazzy stuff.

3) Pink Floyd/Money (Dark Side of the Moon) - Finally some PF I can dig. And you may have heard of this album somewhat. I have never tried the Wizard of Oz thing though.

4) Jethro Tull/Bouree (Aqualung) - This was a instrumental bonus track on the 25th anniversary edition of this album. That jazz flute makes me think of one thing:

5) Yes/Dreamtime (Magnification) - This is still truly a fantastic album. Yes with an orchestra. Magic.

6) Donny Osmond/Pharaoh's Dreams Explained (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat soundtrack) - I still have some class you know. I was big into musicals at one point and this was one of my favorites.

7) Rush/Tai Shan (Hold Your Fire) - Some great 80's Rush even if this one was not so great. Obvious asian influence on this song.

8) Opeth/The Drapery Falls (Blackwater Park) - I have seen many top 100 Prog album lists with this album in it. I have been relatively unimpressed at this point. Does it deserve more of a listen? Probably.

9) Casting Crowns/Your Love is Extravagant (Casting Crowns) - There was a time and place in my life when this music was so important. I'd like to think my flywheel has been fixed by now. Or maybe it's just a continuous process...

10) Electric Light Orchestra/On the Run (Discovery) - Not the best song off this album but it is 100% the ELO sound you think of.


The STCS for this week goes to Electric Light Orchestra/The Fall (Xanadu soundtrack). Man, talk about your classic ELO! I have mentioned before that this terrifically awful awesome movie is one of my personal secret vices. I just love this movie, roller skates and all. I am sure Spinal Tap dug it as well. I mean who didn't love Olivia Newton John?!? Unfortunately this does send ELO to Exile Island next week where they will be all alone because AC/DC managed to escape by not trying to show up this week.


As always stay warm/cool and comfy wherever you are. Go Braves and Roll Tide!

Did someone say Xanadu?

I see you slip away, into another day
There's no-one else around, I watch the sun go down


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