Thursday, April 4, 2019

Survivor Season 38 Edge of Extinction Week 7 Recap

For Survivor's 38th season, 18 castaways (12 remaining) will be sorted into two groups as usual. However, this season introduces a new twist, wherein contestants who are voted off have an option to take a boat to an area known as the "Extinction Island", rather than leave the game permanently. Contestants then may either wait for an opportunity to re-join the main game, or may choose to leave the game at any point. The remaining contestants will initially be unaware of this twist. There are currently four people on the island.


They were immediately trying to figure out what the deal was with the jury. Why were there only three of them? Are they still in the game?

Aurora realized she was left out of the voting that knocked Joe out, so she says she's just going where the votes are. That was kind of good news for Wardog/Lauren/Wentworth because they now know they are definitely being targeted and hope to bring her in.

On the other side David knows he got votes from his own tribe members so now he is tight with Ron, Rick and Eric.


Joe is now there, and he ain't happy.

Later on Chris comes back to camp with four bottles that has a riddle in it for everyone. It has clues to an advantage. Aubry was like I've already got my shoes on and I'm heading out like it's Black Friday to get that last toy. I love her.

And she finds it! It was a key with directions to a practice area for the next challenge. She also received an extra vote to send someone still in the game.


Reward Challenge

Two teams of six competed for Chinese takeout. Yellow was Lauren, Wentworth, Gavin, Julie, Ron and David. Blue was Wardog, Eric, Rick, Aurora, Victoria and Julia.

Blue was the first to swim in pairs to reach a crows nest to untie their slat puzzle pieces and get them back to the beach.

Victoria/Julia started in on their puzzle first, while David/Ron were only a few seconds behind but never quite caught up as Blue won the award.

Now once you split up the merge tribe into different groups, alternative discussions and plans start to pop up. Aurora was talked about by both sides as a target to acquire, especially since she feels so left out. Wardog approached Rick and was like we want to work things out. Rick was like yeah I could work with you but yeah I don't want to work with you. Why would I? You've voted me out twice! Then it was like an argument over playing emotions over logic and furthering yourself in the game. He replied with yeah that helps you out in the game, not me Epic.

Unfortunately, David was swayed by Wentworth's discussion and tried to get Rick on board, so now they are 100% opposed to each other over the next plan. Rick even asked for his 1/2 idol back, but David said he wanted to hold onto it.

Immunity Challenge

This challenge is the one where they stand on a beam with a block on their head, holding it against the top of the frame.

Wardog is out quickly, followed by Eric and Gavin. Wentworth drops followed by Rick and Julia. Ron drops as well as Julie.

And things slowed down. 25 minutes into it Davis drops as Lauren keeps mumbling about being dizzy...and then hits the ground like a bag of wet cement. While medical was treating her, Aurora starts in with Victoria to give it to her because she's been on the bottom and on the outside and needs this. Everyone else was like bad form because it's not the time to be begging with someone else unconscious. Victoria actually unintentionally drops anyway, leaving Aurora with immunity.

Lauren was ok by the way.

Winners: Julie, Aurora

Tribal Council

Back at camp, Aurora immediately finds the extra vote sent to her by Aubry.

The "Kama 6" is looking at splitting the vote between Wentworth and Lauren. However, Wardog went to the younger members of Kama and told them they were going to be the targets once Lesu is out and they should make preemptive moves before that happens. Julie and Gavin are kind of on board with it going after Ron or Eric, but Victoria vetoes it because she thinks it's one vote too soon.

Wentworth got two votes. Lauren got two votes. Wardog's plea worked as Eric got the other 8(!) votes to be sent out. He chose Extinction Island of course.

So that leaves us with (total votes received in parentheses):

Wardog, Lauren* (9), Wentworth* (8), David (3), Victoria, Gavin, Julia, Aurora**, Julie, Ron, Rick***

Voted out (in order): Reem, Keith, Chris, Rick, Aubry, Wendy, Joe, Eric

Extinction Island: Reem, Chris, Aubry, Joe, Eric
Chose to quit the game: Keith, Wendy

*Has a Hidden Immunity Idol
Lauren found hers in Week 2.
Aubry found hers Week 3 but got voted out and it no longer has power.
Wentworth found hers in Week 5.
Rick was awarded a 1/2 idol as help to keep him back in the game from Extinction Island. He gave the other half to David.

**Has a Secret Advantage
Ron found his on the boat in Week 1. It had to be played by Week 3 so it's no longer any good.
Aubry was sent an extra vote from from Rick on Extinction Island in Week 5 ,but then got voted out and went to the island herself so hers is no longer and good.
Aurora was sent an extra vote from Aubry from Extinction Island this week.

***Has made it back into the game from Extinction Island


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