Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Survivor Season 38 Edge of Extinction Week 3 Recap

For Survivor's 37th season, 18 castaways (16 remaining) will be sorted into two groups as usual. However, this season introduces a new twist, wherein contestants who are voted off have an option to take a boat to an area known as the "Extinction Island", rather than leave the game permanently. Contestants then may either wait for an opportunity to re-join the main game, or may choose to leave the game at any point. The remaining contestants will initially be unaware of this twist. There is currently one person on the island.


Keith did finally decide on staying in the game and Reem was glad to see him. She also said she was thinking of quitting but now the mom part of her is back and she can't leave Keith alone.

They received a message out by the mast, which gave them a map. They followed a very long trek around the island and up some stairs which led them to a small bag of rice. They have to make this journey every day now to get any food at all. Rough.


Reward Challenge

And we went straight into the reward challenge. The first part was to assemble a wheelbarrow and move it through a maze to collect sandbags. Manu led early, but Kama caught up by getting the sandbags first. After that, they had to disassemble the wheelbarrow and transform it into a catapult. Kama struggled here and Manu passed them with Wendy getting hurt in the process. Kama was only able to knock down one flag before Manu got them all.


The tribe is: Dan, Rick, Wendy, Lauren, Chris, w/returning players Wentworth and David.

Manu wins reward. Manu gets chickens. Oh lord, it starts with another chicken protester. Wendy, hobbled by her ankle injury, is definitely against the use of the chickens for food. She lets everybody know, and then hides the flint so they can't even restart the fire to cook! They automatically assume it's her, but they can't prove it.


This tribe is: Victoria, Ron, Julia, Eric, Aurora, Julie, Gavin, w/returning players Joe and Aubry.

Victoria seems to think they still have an alliance of six that could vote out Joe or Aubry. Aurora is also on the outs because she is close to those two and not with everyone else. Victoria was talking to Ron on how Joe/Aubry were probably a pair and had no idea Joe was right behind them. When he asked them what they said they played dumb.

Joe told Aubry that they were probably being targeted, so Aubry runs out on a wild idol hunt and fulfills a Survivor dream by actually finding one.

Immunity Challenge

The first part began on the water as four members were strapped to a boat and had to swim pulling the other three. Those three ran up a ladder and dove off grabbing a key. Then back in the boat to be pulled ashore. It was pretty even at this point.

The keys were used to unlock a chest which had three numbered bags in it which built a ship's wheel in three stages. Manu had one of those things happen where certain people just can't solve the puzzle. They never got past the first part while Kama quickly pieced theirs together, spun the wheel, raising the banner to win the challenge

Kama goes to tribal again.

Tribal Council

So with the Wendy thing going on, David still thinks it might be a good time to blindside Wentworth. David talks to Chris and they agree not to tell Wardog. Now when Rick and Wardog talk to find out its on Wentworth again, they wonder if maybe a Chris blindside is possible. Apparently everyone has forgotten about Wendy (again).

At tribal they tell Jeff because it's their third time already they are probably way ahead of Kama strategy wise and there are so many layers to everything going on at the moment. So the weakest person might not be a target because they are playing by different rules.

After all that, Wentworth got two votes, but Chris got four which was enough to send him out. He immediately chose Extinction Island when he got down the path.

So that leaves us with (total votes received in parentheses):

Manu: Dan, Rick, Wendy (4), Lauren** (1), Wentworth (4) and David

Kama: Victoria, Ron*, Julia, Eric, Aurora, Julie, Gavin, Joe and Aubry**

Voted out (in order): Reem (EI), Keith(EI), Chris (EI)

*Has a Secret Advantage
Ron found his on the boat in Week 1. It had to be played by this week so it's no longer any good.

**Has a Hidden Immunity Idol
Lauren found hers in Week 2.
Aubry found hers this week.


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