Thursday, October 27, 2016

Survivor Fiji: Millennials vs Gen-X Week 6 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Millennials versus Gen-X. Twenty players (15 remaining) were separated into two tribes according the generation they were born into.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


So the only thing of note on this tribe was the "FigTails" coming out party to Jessica and Ken. They looked at Figgy and basically said:


This group is actually feeling pretty good that they voted together and did what had to be done with CeCe last week. Zeke/Chris seem to be forming a power pair possibly, especially when Zeke realized he may be on bottom of the Millennials anyway. This was most evident when they all came back together for the reward challenge and Figgy was all atwitter about seeing Michelle. And then it was like....oh yeah, and Zeke too.


This group is basically whiny and hangry. In the search for food there was creative "fishing" going on which was basically slapping a stick into the water. But aside from that, Jay and Will were also hunting for idols when Jay found a log with their camp logo on it. The idol is in the log? In the log? The idol is inside the log?

In the middle of their celebrating after Jay smashed it open and pulled out the idol, Michaela walked up on them and they were like ummm, hey we just found an idol. So she can keep that info to herself or share it strategically. She still gets my vote to win.


Reward Challenge

Up for reward this week were just some sweets and milk/ice tea. Three blindfolded teammates would have to listen to auditory commands to navigate through obstacles and locate four sets of puzzle pieces. Then they would have to put the puzzle together still blindfolded listening to instructions from the caller.

Figgy led Taylor/Adam/Ken to all their puzzle pieces quickly (nut-racking Ken a few times), and had a huge lead, but she could not figure out the puzzle at the end.

Michelle called to Zeke/Chris/David and it was very comical how useless David is. "To the right" apparently means keep walking in a straight line to him. He even started unlocking pieces that weren't even his until Michaela got on the scene and shoved him away. The rest of the time he just stood completely still looking like a moron. Aside from all that, they were actually able to recover all the pieces and solve the puzzle first.

Jay called to Michaela/Sunday/Will who though they weren't the fastest, they were steady and solved the puzzle to get a basket of cookies. Better than nothing.

Figgy was obviously upset and crying a bit after not being able to solve the puzzle for her tribe. Aside from that, the most interesting thing was that medical had to be called in for NerdSexy, even though she sat out the challenge! Apparently she is prone to panic attacks (new info) and got a little too excited cheering on her tribe. She is now concerned that it is a show of weakness on her part, and so am I.


Immunity Challenge

This week's challenge involved retrieving six bags full of coconuts on a floating pedestal after swimming to, and walking across a floating balance beam. The bags would then be hung up and emptied, where three balls would have to be found to use on a table maze. First two tribes to get all three balls in the holes on the table maze wins immunity.

Jay/Bret were able to get all six bags down first for Ika Bula. For Vanua, David (!) beat out Ken who struggled getting the bags off, but since his bony arms could only carry one at a time, it allowed Taylor for Takali to catch and pass Chris at the end.

The bags were emptied pretty quickly by all teams, but Michaela/NerdSexy killed it on the table maze. Well, Michaela did anyway because she barked out orders to Hannah to just stop moving and let her do everything. "I'm not yelling orders, I just want us to win". And win they did as they were the first to get all three balls in the holes.

So now it is down to Jessica/Figgy for Takali and Zeke/Michelle for Vanua. They were pretty even throughout with both having two balls in and the third almost in a few times. With Michaela cheering them on (?), Vanua got the last ball to drop, sending Takali to Tribal.

Probst then asked Michaela why she was cheering for Vanua. She replied with well there are two Millennials over there. Takali was like umm, there's three of us over here!

Michaela: "Yeah, but there's three of you and if you can't figure out how to work together you deserve to go home."

Badass stuff right there. But now I am thinking too badass. She should have stayed strong and determined, yet silent. I think she is making herself a future target.


Tribal Council

It's all about Adam on this one. Does he stick with the Millennials and vote out Ken like "FigTails" wants, or go against his original tribe and vote with Jessica/Ken, two Gen-Xers, and break up the "power couple"? He said no matter how he votes someone goes home unhappy and someone goes back to camp unhappy. He made the right move I think.

Ken got the two votes from FigTails, but Adam broke up the showmance by siding with Jessica/Ken and sending Figgy home with three votes. You could hear her loudly sniffling and fighting back the tears as she walked away.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Takali: Jessica (5)*, Ken (2), Adam**, and Taylor. 

Vanua: Chris, David** (1), Michelle, and Zeke.

Ika Bula: Bret, Michaela, Jay**, Hannah, Sunday (1), and Will.

Voted out (in order): Rachel, Mari, Paul, Lucy, CeCe, Figgy

* Has a Legacy Advantage

** Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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