Friday, December 11, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 13 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (7 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


Returning to camp after tribal, Keith looked a little ticked because he was left out of the loop on voting out Joe. He was the only one that put Tasha's name down and she noticed, saying now he is a target for her to go after. Jeremy and Spencer were talking things out and both were obviously worried about being outnumbered by the women now. #BuyersRemorse

Reward Challenge

This week's reward was a visit to the Cambodian temples that they passed through on their first day. They would get blessed by monks, and get food too of course.

As far as the challenge goes, each person was attached to a rope that was wound around an obstacle. After unwrapping yourself from that, they then had to build a bridge using small slats to let them reach a platform full of sandbags. Those would be thrown to knock down blocks sitting on a stand. You had to make sure you gave yourself enough rope to retrieve the sandbags that you threw. Keith actually won this challenge in his season.

Jeremy and Spencer got out to big leads, but neither of them had enough rope to reach at the end so both had to go back and unwrap more. That left Keith out front with no rush and he calmly knocked all the blocks down to win (again!).

He was allowed to pick two others to go with him and he went with KW and Spencer. When asked why he said that KW picked him last time so he was returning the favor. Spencer wasn't picked last time and he said he felt bad because he was a young kid and missed out on seeing his girlfriend. #KeithLogic

At the reward, the three of them talked about the possibility of knocking out Jeremy or maybe Tasha. #ObligatoryILikeUsAsAFinalThree

That left Jeremy, Kimmi, Abi, and Tasha alone to talk things over back at camp. They decided on Keith, but really wasn't too sure because they know Abi is real volatile. Jeremy mostly stayed quiet the whole time.


Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge for this week was to: 1) navigate an obstacle course over water, 2) swim and retrieve a key on a buoy, 3) return with that key to unlock a chest, and 4) put together the puzzle inside the chest.

This was all grueling and there was a lot of falling and tripping. Spencer jumped once and fell short taking the dock right in the chin.

Jeremy and Spencer outdistanced everyone easily. Jeremy made it to the puzzle first, but Spencer solved that bitch in like 15 seconds to win immunity. For the second week in a row medical was called in. They had to rescue Tasha out of the water. You could tell she was just gassed and could hardly move. This season is really taking its toll on the contestants.


Tribal Council

So it basically boiled down to two options: 1) The KW/Keith/Spencer/Abi voting block would vote for Tasha, or 2) The Kimmi/Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha group would vote out Abi. Notice that Spencer is in the middle of both groups. He had to decide to take out the weakest or the strongest player. In the end though, I think he made the wisest choice possible.

Keith got one vote. Tasha got two votes. Abi got the other four and was sent home. Spencer had to even those numbers back out. Smart.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Kelley W* (11), Spencer (8), Tasha (5), Kimmi (2), Keith (1), and Jeremy*

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica, Terry (left voluntarily), Woo

On the jury: Kass, Andrew, Wiggles, Ciera, Fishback, Joe, Abi


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