Thursday, December 3, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 12 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (8 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


So before things got going Spencer and Jeremy touched base again to make sure everything was cool after the Fish blindside. Back at camp though, Kimmi and KW began working on an all girl alliance because they knew everyone would want Joe out and if that happened this tribal then they would have an advantage going forward.

Reward Challenge

This week's reward was a BBQ with your loved one. Yeah, that's right, the loved ones made an appearance this week! The highlights of this were Jeremy finding out he has a son, and seeing Spencer's cute as Hell girlfriend. Keith's wife was also there (Big D!), KW's dad Dale showed up (a former player), and the world found out the answer to that burning question: Yes, Joe's dad has a ponytail too.

As far as the challenge goes, they had to dig up a rope and unbury three bags. The next bag was tied to a spinning post which made you dizzy untying it, just so you could attempt to balance across a beam and untie the fifth bag. Once done with all that, the puzzle pieces in the bag spelled a word. First one to solve it wins.

And that would be KW. #Nourishment

She was allowed to pick four others to go with her and she went with Keith, Abi, Kimmi, and Joe. #BBQAndLove

That left Jeremy, Spencer, and Tasha alone to talk things over. They decided on Joe once again.


Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge for this week was to keep a statue balanced on the top of a pole. After certain amounts of time an extension would be added to the pole making it longer/higher. As a twist, this week immunity would be won by the last remaining man AND woman. Yep, two were up for grab.

After several rounds, no one had dropped out. Then they began falling. Kimmi went out and right after that so did Abi and Tasha. That left KW as one winner.

The next transition period knocked out Spencer, and then Jeremy. That left Keith and Joe going at it. At the 1 hour/20 minute mark Joe finally fell down and lost. Okay he didn't just fall down, he passed the eff out! They had to call in medical and everything. Keith was the winner.


Tribal Council

So Joe is an option again and him showing everyone that he will push himself in a challenge to the point of passing out was something everyone knew they couldn't compete with.

Jeremy and Joe took a walk and discussed Abi, who Joe saw as a threat because she slips by each vote. Everyone wants to take her to the end because they know they will win against her. And he is right.

Jeremy took the Abi option to Spencer and Tasha. She then freaked them the eff out by telling them about the female alliance. Yes Joe is a threat, but with him gone the men are now outnumbered. Tough decisions ahead.

Abi only got one vote. Tasha got one vote. Joe got the other six and was sent home. Spencer was wondering if he just made a million dollar mistake. Time will tell...

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Kelley W* (11), Abi-Maria (10), Spencer (8), Tasha (3), Kimmi (2), Keith, and Jeremy*

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica, Terry (left voluntarily), Woo

On the jury: Kass, Andrew, Wiggles, Ciera, Fishback, Joe


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