Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sci-Fi Saturday

Not a big write up this time. I just wanted to give yall a head's up on what shows I've been following and what movies i've seen recently.

As for tv shows, I am still captivated by Doctor Who, now 1/2 way through its 6th season. I dont know if I should get into any spoilers but oh my about River Song! The only water in the forest is the river...

Speaking of the Doctor, I just found out the Torchwood is coming back, but this time its not on BBC, it's been picked up by Starz! of all things. And since DW is on hiatus until the fall (after only 7 I am counting the days until that starts. So to get ready I just downloaded the BBC series and gonna watch that again as a refresher.

Other shows i'm kinda paying attention to are The Event, Sanctuary, and Stargate Universe. SGU is really good to but, also on hiatus.....sigh...

As for movies, I think the last sci-fi one I saw was Thor. I did download a bad copy of X-Men: First Class and thought it was ok.

I bought 2 movies on blue-ray that I had seen before: Star Trek and Tron Legacy. No need for me to tell you how awesome those movies are! I'm thinking I need Close Encounters of the Third Kind on blue-ray as well.

I know I kinda rambled this time but hopefully from now on I'm going to go very in-depth about a certain show or movie i'm watching. Just wanted to give everyone a quick update!

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