Now on to the reason we are here: random music! So I am setting my media player on random and letting it play, then listing the first ten songs that pop up. That's how it works. As always the rules and whatnot are up there ↑ at the top next to the Home tab.
As a quick review of last week, you can follow this link, or try and figure out the artists from the cool picture below:
Exile Island is finally getting crowded. Daft Punk got Tarkus'd here for another week, but later got joined by Yes and Faith No More. This means they are all not allowed to be in the countdown below.
Exile Island is finally getting crowded. Daft Punk got Tarkus'd here for another week, but later got joined by Yes and Faith No More. This means they are all not allowed to be in the countdown below.

1) The Moody Blues/I Don't Mind (The Magnificent Moodies) - This is some serious old school stuff from them. It actually sounds like a typical British new wave band and not the music that I still call "a soundtrack to a dream". I might actually have to delete this one.

2) ZZ Top/Tush (Greatest Hits) - Now this is some good ole rock & roll. It still kills me that the drummer's last name is Beard and he is the only one in the band without one.

3) Enigma/Seven Lives (Seven Lives Many Faces) - Always great music by them whether it be a beat or groove or just an atmosphere.

4) Return to Forever/Medieval Overture (Romantic Warrior) - This is some of the jazz fusion stuff I was trying out. This sounds a lot better to me than their other stuff I called "Sesame Street music". I probably would have thought this was Camel instead.

5) The Beatles/Everybody's Trying to be My Baby (Beatles For Sale) - This is just some of the stuff from them that I do not like. I guess it is the time period, or just the bluesy style. I may have to delete this one too.

6) Chicago/Thunder and Lightning (Chicago XIV) - Once you get in the teens with their albums I start worrying. This one isn't too bad though.

7) Asia/Prayin' 4 a Miracle (Anthologia) - If I remember right this wasn't from one of their regular albums, but a new song on a compilation CD. Yep, found it. It was on Then and Now.

8) Jimmy Buffett/Jolly Mon Sing (Meet Me in Margaritaville) - And now to lighten the mood a bit... It was all downhill after Pina Coladaburg though. That son of a son of a bitch! I hope y'all get that movie reference.

9) Trans-Siberian Orchestra/An Angel Came Down (Christmas Eve and Other Stories) - In all fairness I am supposed to list whatever shows up. Guess I haven't cleaned out my holiday folder yet.

10) The Beatles/Eleanor Rigby (Revolver) - Dang it. So close. Now they get banned next week. Great song though.
The Beatles get sent back to Exile Island, but they should be used to that by now. However Yes, Daft Punk and Faith No More all have a chance to escape depending on the STCS. Let's see:
The STCS for this week is Prince/Controversy (Ultimate Collection). Yeah I can get funky when I want to (which thankfully isn't often). And the island gets a little less crowded.

As always stay warm and comfy wherever you are, and Roll Tide!
Play us out boys!
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