In this week's episode we get to see how things are evolving at each camp. More of the day to day activities that form cliques and make targets of people.
No Collar (Nagarote)

The rest of the drama centered around Nina, who is deaf. Now there were definitely some communication mix ups and the young people seemed to get tired of repeating themselves. At one point Jenn and Hali went swimming and didn't invite Nina and she got all whiny and was crying. That certainly won't help her case if they have to go to tribal. On the flip side Nina seemed to form an alliance with Will and Vince since they were not part of the Jenn/Hali/Joe clique.
Blue Collar (Escameca)

Mike, however, is Captain Buzzkill. As soon as he was awake he was rousing the other saying there was work to be done. He is one of those that are not happy unless they are doing something. So when the group was trying to relax a bit and play some basketball he was all grumble grumble grumble and didn't participate. That's how you make yourself a target dude.
White Collar (Masaya)

Max wanted to take a swim (after they had finally made fire on Day 5) and the group got to see much more of Max than they wanted. He was the first to go naked this season. He also said he knows he can use that to get some alone time when he wants it. Yeah, Max is in my final three. Write that down.
He wasn't alone though. Oh no he wasn't. Shirin decided it looked like too much fun so she decided to go bottomless. Why not topless instead? I have no idea. This all led to a funny scene where she was washing the dishes and Joaquin and Tyler came up to help or whatever and Tyler just couldn't look. Like hands over your eyes five year old kid seeing nudity for the first time reaction. Priceless.
He wasn't alone though. Oh no he wasn't. Shirin decided it looked like too much fun so she decided to go bottomless. Why not topless instead? I have no idea. This all led to a funny scene where she was washing the dishes and Joaquin and Tyler came up to help or whatever and Tyler just couldn't look. Like hands over your eyes five year old kid seeing nudity for the first time reaction. Priceless.
Immunity Challenge
This was another group challenge in the water. To even things out Kelly sat out for the Blue team and Nina for the No collars. They should have picked better.
Each person had to swim to the first station and maneuver a buoy on a rope through an obstacle. Once they got it up and over the frame, they had to do the same thing again, but this time the obstacle was in the water. Once past that you had to get the buoy to the last platform, and once everyone had made it through, shoot all five buoys into a basket. Winner gets a lot of fishing stuff, second place gets a small fishing bundle and third gets tribal.
It was back and forth among all the teams as various players helped/hurt their teams. The player that hurt his team the most was Will though. He struggled mightily in the water portion and took forever to get his buoy to the end. Joe was the last person in the water, but by the time he got through his team had already lost without even shooting at the basket.
The surprising winner was the White team, with Blue finishing second easily. No collar goes to tribal.
Each person had to swim to the first station and maneuver a buoy on a rope through an obstacle. Once they got it up and over the frame, they had to do the same thing again, but this time the obstacle was in the water. Once past that you had to get the buoy to the last platform, and once everyone had made it through, shoot all five buoys into a basket. Winner gets a lot of fishing stuff, second place gets a small fishing bundle and third gets tribal.
It was back and forth among all the teams as various players helped/hurt their teams. The player that hurt his team the most was Will though. He struggled mightily in the water portion and took forever to get his buoy to the end. Joe was the last person in the water, but by the time he got through his team had already lost without even shooting at the basket.
The surprising winner was the White team, with Blue finishing second easily. No collar goes to tribal.
Tribal Council
Back at camp, the alliances talked away. The person in the center with the swing vote turned out to be Will. They agreed to split the votes with Hali/Jenn voting for Vince, and Will/Joe voting for Nina and then all voting for Nina (the weakest link to them) if there was a tie.
Will, however was also tight with Nina and Vince so he told them the plan so that they could use it against them. They were in agreement to vote out Jenn and keep Joe for now for the challenges. That was all fine until Will got pissed off because Nina said Vince had asked about Will's health because of his blunders in the immunity challenge. He said he knows that "water is the black man's kryptonite" but was that enough to sway his vote? Turns out it was.
Nina got one vote, Jenn got two votes. Will switched and voted for Vince, giving him three and sending him home.
Will, however was also tight with Nina and Vince so he told them the plan so that they could use it against them. They were in agreement to vote out Jenn and keep Joe for now for the challenges. That was all fine until Will got pissed off because Nina said Vince had asked about Will's health because of his blunders in the immunity challenge. He said he knows that "water is the black man's kryptonite" but was that enough to sway his vote? Turns out it was.
Nina got one vote, Jenn got two votes. Will switched and voted for Vince, giving him three and sending him home.
So that leaves us with (total votes received in parentheses):
White Collar (Masaya): Carolyn (2)*, Tyler, Max, Shirin, and Joaquin.
Blue Collar (Escameca): Dan, Kelly, Lindsey, Mike, Rodney, and Sierra.
No Collar (Nagarote): Hali, Will, Nina (1), Joe, and Jenn (2).
*Has an Immunity Idol
Voted out (in order): So, Vince
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