Saturday, October 12, 2013

Disney Characters and What Foreign Tourists Call Them

So because of train refurbishment, I have had the pleasure of guarding the station entrances from looters. A lot of this time has been spent at the Main Street wheelchair ramp, which as some of you may know, is right next to the gate that the characters come out to do their sets in Town Square. This is where the fun starts.

When the characters make their appearance, the tourists come running shouting their names. Or at least what they think is the character's name.

Okay, I can see how this would be an honest mistake. They are both tall, dog-like looking Disney characters. After that, it just gets weird.

For example:

So I had a conversation with a character attendant and asked him what the craziest thing he ever heard a character called. He gave me two zingers:

Guest: Oh look, it's Pooh and Tigger, but what's that manatee's name?

MANATEE? They thought Eeyore was a manatee? What the Hell kind of manatees do they have in their country? OMG! Manatees do not even have legs! Or live on land! Wow.

And my personal favorite is this guy:

You know, Pinocchio's dad. The guy that made him out of wood. What's his name again? 

Oh yeah...Einstein.

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