Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 3 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (16 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Brains (Hung Lo Chan Loh)

At this point everyone is trying to sort out alliances and voting blocks. It is clear that Peter/Liz are a thing and think they control everything. Debbie/Joe are playing a more patient and subversive game and see the Aubry/Neal combo as a potential pair to team up with to make big moves.

Beauty (Gandalf Gondol)

Same thing around this camp as they are feeling out alliances. The women think they can pull in Caleb to vote against Nick, who they seem to despise more every second.

Tai took a second chance at that key to the idol, but he lost the tool that he had with the first clue. He improvised a pole out of sticks which he tied together and was able to push out the key. He then found the lock box and opened it to get the immunity idol. So it all went well for him this time, well until it was dinner time and they had to kill one of his chickens. He cried over that.

Brawn (Toe Tag To Tang)

Scot apologizes for some reason to Alecia for writing her name down. She should know she is on thin ice. The only worry they have is that she finds a clue to an idol and then she does just that, in front of Cydney. They begin digging at the base of the tree where the idol was found, but Jason came up and they stopped dead in their tracks. Cydney had actually found the locked box with the clue in it, but kept it hidden and covered from Alecia. 

When Cydney told Jason and Scot that she had a clue, it went full chaos. They began digging in that same spot again and when Jason found the clue he took off like a bat out of Hell. He stopped in a spot and shared it with Scot. They both began looking for a tree with the key to the box on it and, like Tai, built a long pole from sticks to retrieve the key. When it dropped Jason was like a madman the way he pushed Alecia to the side to make sure he caught it (he lost my vote when he did that). Jason unlocked the box and got the idol.

#Twist - It was also revealed that the hidden immunity idols can be connected to another idol to make a "Super Idol". This idol can be played after the votes are tallied in tribal!


Immunity Challenge

The next challenge for immunity was to: 1) swim to a boat and recover three large bags of rice, 2) push the bags of rice through holes in an obstacle, 3) each person then has to carry a bag of rice over a balance beam, and 4) cut open the bags to find one small ball which was used in a balance puzzle. Winner gets to choose between comfort items or emotional support items, with second place getting what the winner doesn't choose. Third goes to tribal.

Beauty once again got out to a large lead and eventually won the whole thing rather easily. Brawn was in second place, but Brains caught up to them at the very end. It actually went down to each teams last person finishing within seconds of each other. However Cydney was just a tad faster than Debbie at getting the ball in the hole which saved Brawn from a third straight tribal. Brains would now get to experience that for the first time.


Tribal Council

This would basically go down as two options: follow Liz/Peter's plan to knock out Neal (with splitting of votes in case he has an idol), or break up Liz and Peter. It became obvious that many players in this tribe were all book smart, but lacked social intelligence. And as we all know it is the social aspect of Survivor that has become increasingly more important.

The first vote ended in a three way tie between Aubry, Liz and Peter with two votes apiece. That left Neal, Debbie and Joe with the only votes that counted the next time around. They all centered on Liz and voted her out (which sucks because she was hot). Peter was left with this "y'all are so dumb to make this move" look on his face. He better figure out the social part of this game quickly or he is next.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Brains (Chan Loh) - Peter (2), Neal, Debbie, Aubry (2), Joe

Brawn (To Tang) - Alecia (5), Scot, Cydney, Jason*

Beauty (Gondol) - Tai*, Nick, Anna, Michelle, Julia, Caleb

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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