Thursday, October 13, 2016

Survivor Fiji: Millennials vs Gen-X Week 4 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Millennials versus Gen-X. Twenty players (17 remaining) were separated into two tribes according the generation they were born into.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


So with no tribal last week things were basically back to party mode at camp. Everyone decided to go on a "pig hunt" (no really), that eventually had them climbing up the side of a mountain trying to catch a goat (once again, no really).

Adam, however, used this time wisely to go on an idol hunt. He found a map/clue stuck in a tree, but had to come back later to follow it. He found the shell that had an idol inside once opened up. He could barely contain himself. He quickly hid it away when he saw Nerdsexy (Hannah) nearby, but he wasn't sure if she had seen him with it or not. Nothing was ever said.


Well blindsides tend to make people angry and that's what happened as soon as they got back from tribal. Jessica tried to explain to Chris why she/they flipped but Chris was like nope. I'll deal with that in the morning. This left Lucy and Sunday wondering if they had made a mistake, and basically threw Jessica under the bus about the whole vote.

Dave/Ken approached Lucy about the momentum of the camp and she said they were safe and Jessica was on the outs. She also said they should just vote Jessica, but then laid down some rules like not talking to anyone else, no private meetings, etc. Both of them were like umm, excuse me what?


Reward Challenge

Up for a reward this week was some nice grilling items and spices. All they had to do, in teams of two, was to swim out and retrieve a hoop and be the first to hold the hoop and your pole to win.

Chris/David beat Jay/Adam (G 1, M 0)
Figgy/MIchaela beat Sunday/CeCe (G 1, M 1)
Bret/Ken beat Taylor/Will (G 2, M 1)
Michaela/Nerdsexy beat Jessica/Lucy (G 2, M 2)
Chris/David beat Jay/Zeke (G 3, M 2)

Gen-X wins. Chris was an absolute beast in the water almost drowning Jay/Adam/Zeke at different times trying to block the other team. Michaela lost her top the second time around. She said if it was between her top and winning, then the world was gonna see some tatas. Classic.

Immunity Challenge

This week's challenge involved raising and lowering a person on a bench to retrieve numbers in order. After three sets of them were collected, they would be opened to reveal a letters which spelled out a saying. First one to solve the puzzle wins immunity.

Gen-X went with Chris (1-10), Ken (11-20), and David (21-30) to go through the obstacle course to get to the bench. Why they chose Chris for this when he was one of the biggest guys made no sense to me. Either way, all three of these guys beat Figgy (1-10), Michelle (11-20), and Michaela (21-30) in retrieving their numbers in order.

But now comes the great equalizer: Gen-X couldn't figure out the puzzle so the Millennials caught up. And then no one could solve the puzzle. Here we go, it's one of those things. Over 30 minutes later the Millennials finally realize it spells out "SOMEBODY LOSES THEIR FLAME TONIGHT". Yep, and it's going to be another Gen-X going home.


Tribal Council

So Jeff asks the group if last week's vote united the tribe. That was a big fat nope. David called it a #LiveTribal because everything was up in the air about who to believe and who to vote for. Ken/Dave/CeCe had told Jessica earlier that her name was being thrown around a lot and they would like her and Sunday to help vote out Lucy instead. Jessica, like a dumbass then tells Lucy! Now Lucy confronts her original group and they tell her they don't like being told what to do, and that she should have asked instead. Now at tribal no one knows who to believe.

So the votes are cast and Probst asks if anyone has an idol to play, and for some stupid ass reason (I can't wait to hear his explanation next week), last place, weakling David gives up his idol, his only piece of security he has left in this game, and plays it on not himself (who was clearly not in any danger this week), but for Jessica! Any votes for her will not count. Mercy.

Jessica receives five (!) of the eight votes, but it doesn't matter. CeCe gets one vote, but Lucy gets one more and gets sent home with only two votes against her. Insane. The rest of the group looked pissed. I still don't understand the move for David.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Takali: Bret, Chris, Cece (7), David (1), Jessica (5)*, Ken, and Sunday (1). 

Vanua: Adam**, Hannah, Figgy (3), Jay, Michaela, Michelle, Taylor, Will and Zeke.

Voted out (in order): Rachel, Mari, Paul, Lucy

* Has a Legacy Advantage

** Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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