Me and my journey through life, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows and all wacky, funny, deep, depressing and interesting points in between. My interests are varied from one end of the spectrum to another. Basically, the disappointing side of mediocre.
Friday and the Random 10 (1987 Blockbuster Album Edition)
Well here we go for yet another week of randomness. I'm still feeling out the new format to see if I like it or not. I'm still worried about the time it takes, but as long as I can keep my Friday's off I should be okay. Yay for off days! As a quick review of last week, you can follow this link, or check out the cool picture below:
Highlights from last week
Yeah, that's a new thing too. Might as well use some of these programs I have all over my computer. This blog hasn't been this exciting since I started using verbs!
As always the rules and whatnot are up there ↑ at the top next to the Home tab.
1) Opeth/Epilogue - This is one of those "new" progressive bands that I am trying to listen to. Once again, just too much metal for me. Or maybe I should say dark. I do not like my prog to be dark. Maybe I should give it all more of a listen but it just doesn't make me want to keep listening.
2) Bon Jovi/Living on a Prayer - This song was voted the #1 song of the 80's by a VH1 poll. "Slippery When Wet" was also the #1 selling album in 1987. So yeah it was kinda big. This was the year right after high school (shut up) so I remember this time period well.
3) Styx/Kiss Your Ass Goodbye - You all probably know by now that Styx is my second favorite band behind Yes (a very close second). This is the version without DDY though, but this song is great. I still do not know what the deal is with the carrot on the album cover though.
4) Billy Thorpe/Beginnings - Now this guy is interesting. I wouldn't have even known about him if it wasn't for my friend Robin (shout out!). This is from his space opera "Children of the Sun". It's as epic as it sounds. In the 80's he started an electronics consulting company with did work for... The Walt Disney Company (and Universal too.) He also did the TV score for Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5) Daft Punk/Face to Face - This is probably one of those things that people are surprised that is in my inventory. Seriously, the only reason I have them is because of the Tron: Legacy soundtrack. That, and my kids like it too. 6) The Moody Blues/Gypsy - Oh here we go. I have a feeling we are about to have our first visitor to Exile Island for 2015. I really need to dig into their stuff and weed some things out.
7) Opeth/Burden (Radio edit) - Wow, speaking of bannings and Exile Island here we go. Just never thought it would be Opeth. at least it was not from the same album as before. 8) Pink Floyd/Interstellar Overdrive - From their debut album "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn". This was when they still had Syd Barrett so it rocks a little more. It's psychedelic for sure, but not as weird and spacey as later albums would be. Besides, cool name for an instrumental. 9) Def Leppard/Excitable (Orgasmic Mix) - So how's this for another blockbuster album from 1987? This album has seven (7!) hit singles. However, this song was not one of them. The deluxe edition contained many different mixes including this one. 10) Rick Wakeman/Bassolla - RW! This is from his "Themes" album. I'm surprised I could actually find a pic of the album cover. Isn't Google awesome? Viggle (like me), however has no idea what this piece of music is. Just Rick being Rick I suppose.
Well there we have it. I am still having a little trouble with the formatting, but it seems to be coming along nicely. I need to figure out what I am going to do with Exile Island, since Opeth earned themselves a one week vacation out there. At least I have a week to come up with brilliant ideas for that. And the Tarkus. That is still looming out there as a possibility too.
The STCS for this week is The Human League/Together in Electric Dreams. Who remembers this movie about a computer that takes over the guys life? Oh man, Virginia Madsen playing that cello still gives me chills. I was so in love with her.
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