Monday, July 28, 2014

Music Monday (ABWH, Side 2)

After being blown away by Side 1, I had no idea what to expect on the next side. But the even though the stunned silence after The Meeting seemed to last a lifetime, the cassette eventually clicked over and revealed more revelations of deep meaning.
Side 2

I. I Wanna Learn - So if "The Meeting" was a realization of the fact that we were in love, this song told you what to do about it. I wanna learn more about you, me and life. 

And all of the dreams that come true, so surprising how it catches you. Nothing summed up better what we were feeling at that exact moment. And it didn't stop there. We had had discussions about controlling your dreams (lucid dreaming) and also alternate/past lives in which we thought we had lived or were currently living in other timelines. These lyrics came next:

I wanna change all that I dream about
My waking and my so many lives, oh my

It was like these songs were written for us and we were experiencing them at the exact moment that we were living them. Uncanny.

II. She Gives Me Love - Now this song isn't about love, but a journey down memory lane. The lyrics reference many, many Yes songs and Jon has stated that the "she" was actually music and not an actual woman. When I first heard this I was struck by the background vocals that I could barely make out. If you listen real closely you can pick out the older lyrics (I put them in parentheses).

She gives me love when love had gone away (What happened to this song we once knew so well)
When the pressure came so fast
She give me love long distance runaround (Signed promise for moments caught within the spell)
And in between the pressure I was summoned

The obvious one is "Long Distance Runaround" from Fragile. The background lyrics are actually The Revealing Science of God from Tales from Topographic Oceans.

How did we dance on the south side of the sky (A river, a mountain to be crossed)
We saw the flags flying on the moon (The sunshine...)
And thru the gates of delirium so fast
Believing in the light was a beginning
Only to believe in you (Soon, oh soon the light)
Only to believe in you

South Side of the Sky again from Fragile with the first two background vocals being from the same song. Gates of Delirium from Relayer with the lyrics for Soon.

She give me love when I was losing fast
I was awakened by the dream
She was the love for me the first and last
And all that I remembered was the roundabout 
Only to believe in you (In and around the lake)
Only to believe in you (In and around the lake)

Roundabout from Fragile also, probably their most popular song ever. The lyrics are from the chorus.

III. Who Was the First - The third part here deals with how in relationships there are things that belong to you and no one else. We are the first to define the languages of love. We are the first to discover this day in our time.

IV. I'm Alive - Some of the deepest lyrics are here, especially the ones that deal with the fear of being hurt. Only when you looked did I realize someone broke into your life. How we hurt and never show it...


Out of all the songs, this one just felt out of place. Everything was so mystical and magical and then suddenly it was fiesta time. We tried to attach some meaning to the lyrics but came up short. It was our "we're young and in love and in Florida" fun song.


This song told us we can do it. We can pay no attention to the negative people in our lives. We were definitely non-conformists and she was the first person to make me believe that other people really do not matter at all. We definitely "crossed over the river".


This is our promise we made to each other, whether it was actually spoken or not. We were free to go live a beautiful life together. In the end though, real life made us realize we were just pretending.

Let's get our hearts together
And as before and like before, we'll do again

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