Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 7 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (11 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

So at camp here Neal is walking around the shore of the beach and Cydney notices something bulging in his pocket. She points it out to everyone and they all figure out he has an idol. They plan to use that info to blindside someone or flush it out.


Immediately returning after tribal some conversations started up. There was apparently a lot of confusion over tactics and Scot was pissed over the Brains tribe members' indecision. He said that every tribal from now on he was going to write Aubry Joe or Joe Aubry. Classic.



We have officially reached the merge! Everyone was happy to reach this point, but then they started immediately to look at the numbers. Joe/Aubry were on the way out for Gondol, but now they are reunited with Debbie and Neal. Beauty has four members as well with Nick, Michelle, Julia and Tai. Brawn seems to be the leaders (or at least they think they are) with only three members left: Scot, Jason and Cydney.

Individual Immunity Challenge

Before the challenge even started, Jeff was looking over the contestants and asked them how they were doing physically. Many of them showed cuts, scrapes, and way too many infections. This would play out later.

The challenge this week was to stand on a perch, balancing a ball on a disk. After each round another ball would be added. Lose a ball or step off the perch and you're out.

First round: Joe was out first, followed by Debbie and Jason.

Second round: Michelle, Neal and Scot went out in the first twenty seconds. Cydney and Aubry went out later.

Third round: Julia had been a statue but was the first to go here. It was very shaky between the last two, but eventually Nick outlasted Tai to win immunity.


Tribal Council

And now the scheming started back up as everyone tried to get numbers and it was basically would Beauty go with Brawn or Brains? 

Brawn decided to go after Neal, but knew he had an idol so decided on Aubry. Brawn's conceit made them a target so Neal/Aubry hit up Nick/Michelle for a possible alliance. Debbie was everywhere and even tried to recruit Tai into their alliance, but he wasn't really going for it. Everyone figures Tai is tight with the Brawns now so they can't count on him. Debbie was trying so hard that even her own team members were considering taking her out for "over-playing".

Before they could even get to tribal and vote though, here comes Jeff into camp with the doctor to check everyone out. Tai's scratches (from trying to scale the tree for the idol) were healing well so he was okay. Scot's infections were good enough to let go for now, but Aubry was recommended to be put on antibiotics. And then came Neal, with several infections: one on his back and another one his knee (#MountSaintNeal). The one on his back was tolerable but the doc said no way to the huge one on his knee and removed him from the game. Tribal was also cancelled.

Aubry felt a huge sigh of relief because she heard rumors she was on the block and then was upset because Neal went home with the damn idol!

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Dara - Cydney, Jason*, Nick, Michelle, Debbie, Scot (1), Julia (2), Tai*, Aubry (2), Joe

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter

Removed due to medical reasons: Caleb (Week 4), and Neal (Week 7).

On the jury: Neal

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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