Thursday, November 26, 2015

Survivor: Cambodia/Second Chance Week 11 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Second Chance and it's basically that. Twenty players (10 remaining) from the previous thirty seasons of Survivor were voted on and allowed a second chance at winning.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only three seasons in and I know only nine of the current participants. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


As soon as they returned to camp, Jeremy had to reconnect with Tasha and say they were still good even though she was left out of the Wiggles blindside.

The other thing going on was the rain. And there was lots of it. It was non-stop and all the group could do was huddle under the bad tarp. Everyone was wet and cold and miserable (especially whiney ass #PoopyPants). Keith wasn't bothered though. He said is he considering quitting? #HellNo


Reward Challenge

This week's reward was for food/shelter and seeing a Cambodian circus for only five contestants. The tribe was split into two groups: KW, Kimmi, Keith, Jeremy and Fish on Team 1, leaving Joe, Abi, Ciera, Tasha and Spencer on Team 2.

This challenge was basically basketball in 1 foot of water. It was total chaos with everyone beating the Hell out of each other, tackling and holding people underwater. I was afraid someone was going to die.

Team 2 was the first to score three baskets and win the challenge. As before, once the teams were separated the strategizing began. The reward group settled on taking out Fish. Back at camp, the rest of them decided on Joe if he ever lost an immunity challenge.


Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge for this week was to stand on one foot on a peg while holding a ball against a board with a paddle. But first...

Probst makes everyone pick a black and white stone. Choosing to show the white stone means you give up your chance at immunity. If five of the ten contestants choose white then their awful camp would get an upgrade with a fire. Showing the black stone meant you were fighting for immunity.

Eight of the ten showed the white stone, mainly because of the rain and they were totally miserable, with Fish suffering from #GastroIntestinalDistress. The only two that fought for immunity was Joe (duh), and Keith whose main purpose was to not let Joe get a freebie. Joe ended up winning anyway.


Tribal Council

Joe winning immunity left everyone trying to find a plan B again. The main group decided to stick with their original plan of voting out Fish. And they did. However...

Jeremy used one of his immunity idols to protect Fish out of loyalty. So the votes for him would not count. He got five and would have been sent home but they were wiped out. Kimmi received two of the other votes, but Ciera had one more to lose out.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Kelley W (11), Spencer (8), Abi-Maria (6), Tasha (2), Kimmi (2), Joe, Keith, Jeremy*, and Fish (5)**

*Has an Immunity Idol

**Has an advantage that lets him steal a vote at tribal

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica, Terry (left voluntarily), Woo

On the jury: Kass, Andrew, Wiggles, Ciera


But wait! It's not over. This week was a double episode!

Reward Challenge

This week's reward was your basic food/shelter/spa treatment away from everyone else. Probst told a story and everyone had to race to five different locations where a question was asked about the #SurvivorFolklore. You had to choose a small package from a container by the answer you thought was right, but you wouldn't know if it was correct until you got back to the beginning. After opening the package a right answer gave you a gold disk, a wrong answer a wooden one. First to get all five wins.

There was a lot of running back and forth obviously and the clear frontrunners were Spencer and Fish. They both got back to the starting point with the last correct answer, but Fish was able to open his first to win reward. 

He chose Jeremy and Tasha to go with him (which made them all targets to the rest back at camp). Also, while separated from the others, Fish told them both what his advantage was. I thought that was a horrible move.

As a side note, during the chaos of the reward challenge, KW opened one of the small packages and bundled in there with the gold disk was the clue to another immunity idol!

Remember when they all got that upgrade at camp? Guess what they were all sleeping on top of? Yep. As soon as everyone left camp (she had to wait out Abi), she was crawling under that thing and untying the idol. She snagged it right before everyone came back to camp.


Individual Immunity Challenge

The challenge for this week was another blast from the past as the tribe members had to untie a rope and then stack three levels of blocks using only their feet. I still remember Baylor looking all cute doing it a few seasons ago...sigh...

The main thing here was that for once Joe did NOT win immunity. He was beaten to the punch by Spencer.

During the aftermath and scheming, one of the #VotingBlocks decided it would fake a split vote between Joe/Abi, while actually voting to blindside Fish. During all this, Fish revealed his advantage to another person, Spencer, who may have been way too smart to get that information.


Tribal Council

With Joe finally being an option, it was surprising that he wasn't really a target. Before things even started, Fish decided to go ahead an use his advantage. He took away Joe's vote, giving him two. He used one on Joe and one on Abi. I have no idea why unless he still believed in the split vote taking out Joe. 

Whatever though because he chose poorly and basically wasted his whole advantage. Joe only received two votes total. Abi had that look on her face like she's gonna go crazy bitch again because she got three votes. Stay tuned for that. You know it's coming. That left the remaining four votes going to Fish, who used his advantage (at the wrong time and in the wrong way) but still got sent home. I think Spencer out-maneuvered him.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Kelley W* (11), Abi-Maria (9), Spencer (8), Tasha (2), Kimmi (2), Joe (2), Keith, and Jeremy*

*Has an Immunity Idol

Voted out (in order): Vytas, Shirin, Peih-Gee, Jeff, Monica, Terry (left voluntarily), Woo

On the jury: Kass, Andrew, Wiggles, Ciera, Fishback


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