Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Real Story About My Termination

I know how Main Street is and yall do too. I joke and call it MS high school for a reason. It seems everyone believes every rumor they ever hear about someone, without even finding out if its true or not, and most of the time continue to keep spreading the same lies. Well let me tell you something that's barely heard around our department: the truth.

On December 20th I was Train 50. I was in the Bombshelter and right after parade I went upstairs to hop the train to go around and help the stations out for after parade rush. You know, like good coordinators should (instead of hiding in a break room or office checking emails). I came up to a train that had a training group in the front and had overshot the station. I paused because a conductor was spieling that they might have to back up. Well they didn't.  They gave two whistles to leave and I jumped on the train. When I was stepping from the running board up to the back, the train lurched forward very hard and kinda threw people all over (training group remember). It wasn't a smooth take off and it made me look very awkward trying to stay standing. Not one of my most graceful moments.

Now, this is where our villain enters. I'm not going to use HER name, i'll just refer to her as Cancer, which is what she is in our department. Would you believe that I had not even arrived in Fantasyland Station when I got a call from a certain manager over the radio? Seems Cancer gathered some of her cronies and ran straight upstairs like the troublesome crusty old cunt that she is and told the managers I jumped on a moving train. Less than 30 minutes later I was suspended. A few days later, even with three (!!!) witnesses saying I was on the train, they terminated me. I drove straight to the union hall and filed a grievance. So I've been at home since then, looking for work and waiting for my grievance meeting.

That day finally arrived on February 26th. Yeah, that long. I don't know how these meetings often go but I was told by the union people that it went very well. I learned that in over 30 years, NO ONE has ever been terminated for that reason. So now I have to wait a couple of days for a decision on whether I get my job back.

So that's where I am now and that's the truth. No I was NEVER in the woman's bathroom with anyone. I've heard that rumor too, but more on that later (and yes, it involves more lies from Cancer). Aside from all that, I hope to be back with yall soon!

P.S. And do not forget to recommend this blog continues.