Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday and the Random 10

Another week has gone by and as I began to write this I realized that my music collection has become pretty static. There's not much I've added in quite awhile (any suggestions?), although I do delete stuff from time to time. I guess I'm just not big on newer music, mainly because I think most of it is crap. Give me substance over style. And like I've always said, if you have to mention your own name in a song OR if every one of your songs has a dance routine to it you can just count me out.

Now that I've said my little rant, let's get on to the music! (after saying all that, Karma is about to bite me in the ass I'm sure).

1) It's Only Rock 'n' Roll/The Rolling Stones - but I like it...

2) ABBA/Under Attack - ok, I figured ABBA would show up at some point...yes I like them...2 hot Swedish women? Yes, please! But I must admit I had never heard this song before. Very disco-y

3) AC/DC/Guns for Hire - these guys seem to show up every week and that's completely fine with me

4) The Beatles/Because - love the vocals in this song...gonna give you the Across the Universe movie version cuz I think it's awesome

5) YES/Shoot High Aim Low - finally we get YES showing up again! Great song from the Big Generator album (mandatory cover below). This is actually 2 songs sung at the same time, one by JonJon and the other by Trevor but it works. Great, if over-produced, album.

6) Foreigner/Counting Every Minute - don't even remember this song. I think this is right before they went wimp.

7) Camel/Survival - this is a band i don't know much about, but they've been around forever apparently (like the early 70's) and I haven't heard anything from them I haven't liked

8) Across the Universe Soundtrack/Helter Skelter - cool that I mentioned the movie earlier

9) Van Halen/1984 - the little synthesizer intro right before "Jump" starts up...awesomeness

10) Europe/In the Future to Come - 80's hair metal...meh...only downloaded this (as i'm sure everyone else does) for The Final Countdown song

I'll let YES play us out...

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