Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 13 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (5 remaining!) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

After tribal, Tai got back at camp and was wondering what the Hell happened. He was shocked and realized he wasn't wielding the power he thought he was. He tried to explain to Michelle, but she was like nope no explanation needed.


Reward Challenge

The reward for this week was a visit to a spa with food, massages and an overnight stay. Each person had to race into the jungle, climb a ladder to untie a bag, race back to the beginning and use the sandbags inside to throw into five different slots on a board.

Cydney and Aubry were running neck and neck the whole time. Cydney had two sandbags on her board in place, but Aubry had four before they both ran out of bags. As a matter of fact, everyone ran out of bags, except, well, Joe. And no one could do anything until Joe had untied all three of his bags and ran out as well. So Joe said eff it, no hurry, take my time to get the last bag.

So they waited. And waited.

Joe finally came out of the jungle. He had rung three already and could actually win with this bag. He kept missing until he was down to his last two sandbags... and hit them both to win reward. #GetsItDoneAt71

He chose Aubry to go with him, and when asked for another Aubry quickly mentioned Cydney so she got picked and off they went.

Spa/Camp Discussions

Joe, Aubry and Cydney agreed that the obvious target was now Tai, but since he has an idol they would have to wait until next week to go after him. Once again I'm like why?!? You know he has it, force him to use it! It was in these discussions with Cydney agreeing to "go along for the ride" that Aubry perceived her as a real threat.

Back at camp it was just Tai and Michelle who tried to talk and make the best of things. They had a "poor man's spa" which included a #TaiMassage. You know, the legal kind. They both realized that they were both on the bottom and had nothing to lose in making any kind of future moves.

Once they were all back together, Aubry tried to repair things with Tai and they had a deep conversation which left Tai crying (again). He must be on his period or something. Or he is about to snap from the pressure.


Medical Strikes Again

Joe had a good time eating at the spa. Well, he had too much of a good time. #AllBeef

He began having complications from constipation which was pushing on his prostate. This left him unable to pee. He was checked out by medical and given some medicine. He seemed to get a little better, but by the end of the night he had to call medical again. They were worried about the effect it would have on his kidneys and decided to pull him from the game. That's the third(!) one this season.

No reward challenge. No tribal. Kind of a bummer.


So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Dara - Cydney (3), Michelle (2), Tai* (4), Aubry (6)

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna, Peter. 
On the jury: Neal, Nick, Debbie, Scot, Julia, Jason, Joe

Removed due to medical reasons: Caleb (Week 4), Neal (Week 7), and Joe (Week 13).

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol (that everyone still knows about!)


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