Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 5 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (13 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.


It was time to draw for new tribes, but Caleb having to be pulled from the game last week left things at an uneven number. This affected the rest of the game big time (all the way to tribal). One person would pull a red duff and be sent to Brawn camp alone. He/she would then take the place of whoever got voted out at tribal. Being alone sucks, but at least they were safe from being voted out for one night.

Your new Chan Loh tribe is Neal, Debbie, Jason, Cydney, Michelle and Nick. They got exactly two from each tribe.

Oh, and before all this duff swapping got started, Neal went out looking for weird trees and found himself a clue for an idol. He found the right tree and used the tool to get the key to unlock the box. Now he has one too. That's three so far.

The new tribe here is now Scot, Joe, Aubry, Peter, Tai and Anna. They got one Brawn, two from Beauty, and three from Brains.

Whose name hasn't been called yet? Oh yeah, that would be the 18 year old Julia. She pulled the red duff and got sent out alone. She was from the Beauty tribe and that set forth into motion (somewhat unfairly I think) everything else that happened.

You see, she would replace whoever was getting voted out later, and because she was from Beauty, it put targets on everyone else from that former tribe. Both Gondol and Chan Loh had immediate discussions on taking out a Beauty so they would not be outnumbered when/if Julia joined their tribe. So Michelle/Nick and Tai/Anna were immediate targets.


Immunity Challenge

The next challenge for immunity was to: 1) swim out as a pair to untie a net with fish puzzle pieces, 2) a different pair would untie the puzzle pieces from the net and hang them onto a pole with hooks, and 3) carry the pole to the end and use the pieces to make them fit into a puzzle. First to solve it wins immunity. Loser goes to tribal.

Scott/Aubry (Gondol) beat Nick/Jason in retrieving the net. Tai/Joe were about even with Michelle/Cydney in untying the fish and getting them on the pole. However, Debbie/Neal (Chan Loh) flew threw the puzzle part, beating Anna/Peter and sending Gondol to Tribal.


Tribal Council

Now this got a little interesting. Tai knew he was on the chopping block so he showed Scot that he had an immunity idol. Anna then came up with the idea to use the current situation to blindside Peter which they all thought was a good idea. Later on though, Scot told Tai that the others were focusing on Anna and that he should save his idol. He didn't know what to do since he didn't want to be one of those who "went home with an idol".

Peter got one vote, Tai did not use his idol, and Anna got the other five votes. My guess is that they knew the blindside was a good idea, but in the end they just had to get rid of someone from the Beauty tribe. And there goes another hottie and the best set of boobs in the game. Sniff.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Chan Loh - Cydney, Jason*, Nick, Neal*, Michelle, Debbie, 

Gondol - Scot (1), Peter (3), Tai*, Aubry (2), Joe

To Tang - Julia (will join Gondol next week)

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny, Liz, Alecia, Anna

Caleb was removed due to medical reasons (Week 4).

* Has a Hidden Immunity Idol


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