This week was a two hour episode so you knew two people were heading home. There is a lot to get to so I am going to just jump right in.
No Collar (Nagarote)

Blue Collar (Escameca)

And then there's Rodney. Every woman in America's favorite contestant right now. He's basically just a buff meat-headed pig who slammed on Lindsey (and most women) the entire time. At least he gives us good hashtags: #3Cs #TysonFaceTattoo
And somehow he thinks he is the leader of this group. #ImTomBrady
White Collar (Masaya)

Immunity Challenge
This challenge started with everyone on each team tethered to a rope that was twisted around obstacles. After each member made it through, they had to untie a bag of balls. The balls were then maneuvered through a vertical maze with ropes until filling a hole at the top.
Once again the surprise winners were the red team, followed by white. Blue finally heads to Tribal Council!
Once again the surprise winners were the red team, followed by white. Blue finally heads to Tribal Council!
Tribal Council
This one was Kind of up in the air because they had not been to tribal yet. I figured everyone hated Rodney and Dan was way annoying and Mike was a hard ass. So with that in mind, the first votes casted resulted in a tie. This season's first tie!
Rodney, Lindsey, and Sierra each got two votes. The next round removed those three from voting and Lindsey received all three votes to be sent home
Rodney, Lindsey, and Sierra each got two votes. The next round removed those three from voting and Lindsey received all three votes to be sent home
This tribe kept Will, Hali, and Jenn, but added Max/Carolyn/Shirin from White and Kelly from Blue. Kelly became the immediate swing vote, or so they thought. Carolyn wanted no part of her ex-tribe mates and went looking for new alliances. Shirin annoyed her new tribe members in record time. Max had to soak his feet in the pot they used to boil water after being stung by stingrays on both feet. Everyone began to understand why Carolyn wanted no part of them.
This team kept Dan, Mike, Rodney and Sierra so they obviously had numbers. They got Tyler/Joaquim from the white team, and also got the best player from the Red team in Joe.
The first order of business from the ex-blue team guys was to try and reign Sierra back in because she was upset over getting votes at last tribal and losing her best friend. Dan "knows" women (ahem, right), but his apology sucked royally. It pushed her further away. She is now in play as a swing vote.
This team easily won the Reward Challenge and got kitchen supplies plus what was leftover from the white team's camp.
But wait, there's more! #DropYourBuffs
It was time to shuffle some teams. White team was eliminated and this is how things shook out after the swap.
Red Team (Nagarote)

Blue Team (Escameca)

The first order of business from the ex-blue team guys was to try and reign Sierra back in because she was upset over getting votes at last tribal and losing her best friend. Dan "knows" women (ahem, right), but his apology sucked royally. It pushed her further away. She is now in play as a swing vote.
This team easily won the Reward Challenge and got kitchen supplies plus what was leftover from the white team's camp.
Immunity Challenge
This challenge involved placing two pots on a sled and then having two members push/pull it through an mud filled obstacle course. Once reaching the end the pots were placed on a pedestal. When all pots were in place, a wrecking ball was swung to smash the pots.
Once again, blue team won easily because of all the athletic guys. The women struggled mightily for the red team and ended up heading to tribal.
Once again, blue team won easily because of all the athletic guys. The women struggled mightily for the red team and ended up heading to tribal.
Tribal Council
This one didn't go how I expected. Will was a target because he is horrible at the physical challenges and hurts the team a lot. On the flip side, there was Max and Shirin who made no new friends at all. And constantly talking about how you know so much about Survivor certainly annoys the hell out of a lot of people. Apparently they didn't know as much as they thought, or how to put it into practice.
Will did get two votes. However Max never learned when to shut up and received the other five (!) votes.
Will did get two votes. However Max never learned when to shut up and received the other five (!) votes.
So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):
Blue Team (Escameca): Dan, Mike, Rodney, Sierra, Tyler, Joaquin, and Joe
Red Team (Nagarote): Hali, Will (4), Jenn*(2), Carolyn*(2), Shirin, and Kelly
*Has an Immunity Idol
Voted out (in order): So, Vince, Nina, Lindsey, Max
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