Thursday, September 25, 2014

Survivor: Blood vs Water Synopsis (9/24)

Okay, first of all let me say that I am a newbie to Survivor. I was indoctrinated last season by my good friend and cohort Kerra (@hellokerra). I learned all the ins and outs of the game and even predicted two of the three finalists (I still cannot believe my boy Woo did that at the end...ugh).

Now begins a new season and my first experience with Blood vs Water. The deal is nine pairs of contestants who are either related or dating/married end up on opposite teams and have to compete against each other. Cool premise.

Now I am going to recount things as I saw them (or made notes on my Survivor index cards). I am sure if I make a mistake it will most probably be corrected by my old homie Scott (@indycsb), who has been trying to get me to watch this show for years.

The Couples

John/Julie - Now I knew right away who John was, being a huge Braves fan. He has a less than glorious past, but may survive longer due to his strength in the physical challenges. Julie just seems like a pair of boobs.

Dale/Kelley - His age may hurt him, and his daughter did nothing to even make my notes.

Nadiya/Natalie - These two annoyed me from the moment they opened their mouths. My notes even said "annoying twins". Apparently they were on The Amazing Race.

Missy/Baylor - Divorced mom and her daughter. These two jumped out at me as completely useless.

Jaclyn/Jon - This is the so awesomely annoying cutesy in love couple that you hope have huge fights and split up once they leave the island. I would love to see one of them vote the other off the island just to see the facial expressions.

Keith/Wes - Father /son duo whose last name should just be changed to "camo". I don't think they will last due to their "Southernness".

Drew/Alec - My notes refer to these two as the "annoying hippie brothers". Eye candy for the ladies I guess? Douchebags for certain.

Josh/Reed - Dating gay couple because we needed every demographic? I think they just wanted to see what would happen with Rocker.

Jeremy/Val - Black firefighter/cop married couple. Predictable.

The Tribes

Team Coyopa (Orange): Alec, Baylor, Dale, Jaclyn, John Rocker, Josh, Nadiya, Val, and Wes.

Team Hunahpu (Blue): 
Drew, Jeremy, Jon Misch, Julie, Keith, Kelley, Missy, Natalie, and Reed.

How It Played Out

So things started out with a reward challenge. Jeremy from the Blue team won the rock paper scissors, but as a surprise got matched up against his wife Val from the Orange side. He won and Coyopa got fire making tools. Hunahpu got nothing and even worse, Val got sent to Exile Island. Yep, right off the bat. However, so she wouldn't be alone, Jeremy had to pick one of his tribe-mates to go with her (to keep things even). He chose good ole down to Earth Keith to make sure she would be well protected (can we all say awwww...).

Once on Exile Island each got to choose a vase. Keith's had a blank piece of paper, but Val got clues to an idol. Yup.

Now back at each camp all the alliances started forming. Not even going to try and remember those since they will all be gone fairly quickly. A few things to note though. On the orange side, Wes recognized Rocker for who he was (someone was bound to right?). And in the blue tribe Dale totally made fire with his glasses that he broke in half, getting him brownie points because the other team had won the tools. Go Dale!

Immunity Challenge/Tribal Council

Val and Keith rejoin their tribes in time for the Immunity Challenge. Rocker showed his worth here getting his tribe a huge lead, but it ended up with both teams trying to put together that stupid puzzle at the very end. Blue finally figured it out for a come from behind win and immunity.

The debate around the orange tribe was between voting out Dale because of his age, or Nadiya because of her reality TV experience. In the end Nadiya just talked way too much and was voted out, 5 votes to 3 (Baylor got the other vote).

So that leaves us with:

Team Coyopa (Orange): Alec, Baylor, Dale, Jaclyn, John Rocker, Josh, Val, and Wes.

Team Hunahpu (Blue): 
Drew, Jeremy, Jon Misch, Julie, Keith, Kelley, Missy, Natalie, and Reed.

Voted out (in order): Nadiya

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