Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Survivor Blood Vs Water Week 5 Recap

This week's recap is sponsored* by:

*And by "sponsored" I mean it's what I drank while watching the episode. Still no sponsors yet. I am trying the international angle on this one.


So we barely got to see everyone's reactions to Drew being gone (some were surprised), before Probst dropped the bomb on everyone. Not the merge that I was basing my predictions on, but a rearranging of teams! Instead of a reward challenge, everyone chose a container that had a new buff in it.



The Coyopa tribe ended up with most of the couples. The members are now:

Kelley/Dale, Jon/Jaclyn, Missy/Baylor and poor old Keith.

You would think Keith had a target on him, but no. Then the argument over the rice started between Missy and Dale. Coyopa was methodical about rationing theirs out, but Missy was all about cooking large portions of it for everybody (and this wasn't even her old tribe!). So instead of blending in it was friction from the start.

You would think the couples would work together against the singles, but right away it was couple against couple with Jon/Jaclyn being a swing vote.



Since Coyopa got most of the couples, that left Hunahpu with most of the singles. There was just one couple, Josh/Reed, with the rest being Wes, Alec, Jeremy, Julie and Julie.

Guess what was an immediate issue? Yep, rice. As in lack of. The ex-Coyopa people were like umm, where's all y'all's food? Then they realized that's why they were probably losing all the challenges to Hunahpu because they were eating twice a day. But now the food is running way low...


Immunity Challenge

Each team had to dig out a bag with keys in it, then crawl through a mud pit. On the other side they used the keys to unlock gates which led them to a pole with a basket on the top. Shaking the pole would release bean bags. Ten of these bags had to be thrown on a balancing platform to win.

It wasn't even close y'all. Hunahpu was all the way at the end before Coyopa could even find the keys in the sand. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am and it was over. Hunahpu gets immunity. Coyopa goes to tribal.


Tribal Council

The strife between the couples seemed to make it safe for Keith. The only deciding thing would be which way would Jon/Jaclyn go?

Now tell me if you have heard this before, but Baylor got two votes. Dale also got two votes. And... Kelley gets three votes to be voted off the island.

So that leaves us with:

Team Coyopa (Orange - 6 players): Dale, Jon, Jaclyn, Baylor, Missy and Keith*.

*has an idol

Team Hunahpu (Blue - 7 players): Josh, Reed, Wes, Alec, Jeremy, Julie, and Natalie.

Voted out (in order): Nadiya, Val, Rocker, Drew, Kelley

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