Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Survivor: Kaoh Rong Week 2 Recap

This season of Survivor is called Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. Eighteen players (17 remaining) are separated into three tribes according the "talents" they use to succeed in life.


Now, first of all, let me say that I am in no way an expert in any kind of way about this show. Actually I am only a few seasons in, but I have seen the previous season in this format. This blog post is my way of helping me keep all things sorted out. So take it easy on me if I make mistakes.

Brains (Hung Lo Chan Loh)

Second impression: everyone hates Debbie. She will be the first to go in this tribe just to shut her and her 147 jobs up. There is a mild argument in camp about the drinking water and whether it's safe. Liz is concerned and got emotional. Debbie apparently has the immune system of a horse (she is also wrong about the fact that women with boobs should not run. Yes, yes they should, but I digress...) And yes, I am guessing 40 cats too. #Meow

Brawn (Toe Tag To Tang)

Alecia is most definitely blonde. She seems confused about any talks going on past or present. After five hours of trying though, she did get that fire lit for the tribe. Must have been the #Embryo

Beauty (Gandalf Gondol)

Tai knows he screwed up looking for the idol so he fixed that by...looking for the idol some more. To deflect suspicion he is trying a bromance with Caleb that is cracking up the camp.

Later on though he goes out looking again and actually finds a clue to the location of the idol. But when he digs in the spot, it gives him a tool and another clue. He follows that and sees the idol up in a tree. He tries and tries but he just cannot climb high enough to reach it. He gives up after scraping his feet, shins and chest on the bark. #BloodyTree


Immunity Challenge

The next challenge for immunity was to: 1) run down a riverbed and untie a large log, 2) maneuver the log and themselves through an obstacle, 3) carry the log and place it on a stand to unwind a ball on a rope wrapped around it, 4) slingshot the ball to knock down two targets to win. Winner gets fishing supplies and a boat. Second gets a small fishing bundle. Third goes to tribal.

I thought Brawn would be a big player here since it was mostly physical but I was wrong. Beauty was actually first at every step of the way and won immunity. Beauty and Brawn were evenly matched right up until the end when Beauty was able to get the second target down right after Brawn had missed wide left which would have won it for them. It was that close. Brawn goes to tribal again.


Tribal Council

I figured this would be an easy one (Alecia) but then things got too complicated too fast. Jenny jumped in with the idea of an all girl alliance to make a big move and knock out Jason. It was her idea and agreed to it and then backed out on second thought. So it all depended on if she would vote against Jason or Alecia.

Well things certainly escalated at tribal when the guys found out there was additional talks going on and Jason's name being mentioned. What should have been an easy vote was now a mess. And Jenny paid for it. Alecia got two votes, but Jenny got the other three (even after standing up on her seat and proclaiming she was sticking with her original alliance). It wasn't enough and she got sent home.

And somehow Alecia survives another tribal. Unbelievable.

So that leaves us with (total tribal votes received in parentheses):

Brains (Chan Loh) - Peter, Neal, Debbie, Aubry, Joe, Liz

Brawn (To Tang) - Alecia (5), Scot, Cydney, Jason

Beauty (Gondol) - Tai, Nick, Anna, Michelle, Julia, Caleb

Voted out (in order): Darnell, Jenny


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